
Nov 1, 2012

I Know Her!

I've told you before that I have several pretty famous neighbors. One of them happens to be Steve James and he has a daughter named Alyssa who is one of Prima Donna's close friends. About six months ago, Alyssa was asked to do a music video cover for the Safe and Sound song that is normally sung by Taylor Swift.

I think the Prima Donna was more excited about it than Alyssa and we have received almost daily updates as to her progress and eventual release date. I had heard Alyssa sing this song before and her voice is absolutely beautiful, but I was unprepared for the stunning presentation. She did an awesome job!

Our friend, Steve, is the guy with the club and the first boy playing the guitar is her brother, Adam. The second one is her cousin. Such a talented family! Take a minute and watch their video and if you like it would you please give them a thumbs up on YouTube? When she is famous, I'll try to get you an autograph! (Maybe I'd better have the Prima Donna start asking for them now and stock-piling them for later...)


  1. That is absolutely lovely. Thanks for sharing, and I gave it a thumbs up on Youtube. Wow!
