
Oct 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

OK, I admit it! I'm actually sort of liking D track. One of the things we were most dreading was missing school on Halloween. There was no class party and no school parade, but we had plenty of our own fun.

The Dog Walker's cell pics are even worse than mine!
After I spent my morning cutting out Princess's dress, we climbed into our costumes, picked up Crafty and Curly from preschool, and headed for Bossy's work. The kids walked the halls, gathering candy at nearly every office! Baby Doll was not a bit shy, she would push her way to the front and choose her favorite piece of candy. One of Bossy's co-workers even made each of the kids a balloon animal.

Then we went to the lunchroom and had some delicious chili (that Bossy made) and more treats. After 20 more long minutes waiting for Bossy to finish something she had to do for work, we finally left the building. We piled everyone in the big van so we could make a couple more stops.

The first place we went was the Sweet Tooth Fairy Cupcakery. They were giving out their strawberry shortcake cupcakes free to anyone in a costume! We walked away with 10 cupcakes with a retail value of about $25.

Then we headed into downtown to pick up our tickets for Disney on Ice. We were only given vouchers, so we had to turn them into real tickets. I can't believe how quickly they sold out the opening night! Thank goodness our vouchers worked for several shows. Now we are going on Friday afternoon.

Our last stop was Gamer's work where he was handing out treats. When we got back to the house, I sent Teach to pick up pizzas from Papa Murphey's (I'm a sucker for things holiday-related). Aren't these cute?

The kids hit the neighborhood about 6:00 and they didn't stop until after 8:00. The amount of candy they collected is insane! I personally am in a sugar stupor and definitely ready for a long night's sleep. They are bouncing off the walls, of course.

And this didn't include all of Prima Donna's candy or what they ate on the way!

Hope you had a happy and safe Halloween!


  1. OMG! That was one insane candy stash!

    I'm thinking dental bills!!! LOL!

    Happy Halloween!

  2. Please dole out that candy unless you want kiddos with aching tummies.We got not one kid, it as windy, dark and raining, the fellow who lives near us watches the walk path to the high school even the kids who like to go nuts were not out, all dark out, it is the next morning I gotta cold and can't sleep, making cinnamon rolls for the hubbs and have a ham in the crockpot for supper..might as well do something for us while I will be awake.Thanks to the Lord I don't require much sleep and can nap today when I get home early from my job..God's Blessings for always watching out for your kids for offers of family friendly entertainment, it will be remembered long past the Disney performances!!!!!!!!!!!!
