
Oct 8, 2012

The Homecoming Dance

and back.
I have to tell you, I knew my Princess was beautiful, but she looked so grownup and so amazing it nearly took my breath away. My little girl was gone, replaced with this hottie that scared me a little.

I think it frightened her date a bit too. In a good way.

He was late and my perfectly punctual princess was pacing the floor. I know she was nervous even though this guy has been playing volleyball with us for years and she has classes with him at school. They are pretty good friends although she complains that he never talks to her other than with texts. I was hopeful that a date might change that. It would certainly make volleyball easier.

Since he doesn't have a driver's license yet, his dad showed up with him at the door. He didn't want to miss the opportunity to take pictures either. Princess handed me the flower and I carefully pinned it on, but not before I threatened to stab him in the chest if he moved. The fact that I also knew this kid (and his dad) eased some of the tension. But I think we were all aware that something had definitely changed.

He pulled out an absolutely gorgeous flower that he slipped onto her wrist. We snapped a few more pics and they were off. I was left to wonder all evening since she didn't take her phone. "No place to put it," she explained, and she hates carrying a purse.

Teach made them jump!
She came back in right at I said, always punctual, with a happy smile on her face. It seems that her first big dance was a success. She put her flower in the fridge, but took it out two more times just to look at it. She also wandered around the house for an hour in her princess dress, not wanting the night to be over.

Where DID the time go?


  1. What a beautiful and smart daughter. You must be very proud!

  2. I love her dress! I am so glad the dance was a success.

  3. Looks so fun! And she is beautiful.

  4. Awww! She looks so pretty! Sounds like she had a magical time!

  5. Beautiful princess, your little girl has grown up into a self-assured sweet young lady, all cause of you and your hubbs. How proud you must be, she is lucky to have such a wonderful Mom and Dad, with real values and a God in her life...congrats for sharing your family they are your crowning glory. God's continued blessings to your princess and you and your hubbs and your entire family!!!!!

  6. Reminds me of when I was a girl . . .


  7. She looks amazing and they look so cute together. To be young again!

  8. She looks amazing. I'm so glad that she had fun. I love the purple dress--just like the colors from my wedding!

  9. That was a good night. I have an excuse for being late and that is because my family wanted to make me perfect so we could have a good night. Other than that I hope I did a good job for my first time.
