
Oct 6, 2012

A Date

Last night we were all sitting around the dinner table when Princess suddenly questioned, "Who has a date tomorrow?" and with a huge grin on her face, promptly raised her own hand. But I was just as quick on the draw and raised mine too.

Yup, that's right, my sweetie and I had a date! Maybe it wasn't quite as exciting as Princess's date, after all, it was her very first one. She and a cute boy named Tyler who lives down the street met up with another couple for miniature golf and ice cream at Coldstone. And you are right in your thinking, she also has a date to the Homecoming dance tomorrow night. Only sixteen for a week and two dates already!

Our banana egg rolls
I, on the other hand, have had a long dry spell. My sweetie has been working long, hard hours and we are lucky to have ten minutes together, let alone a date. The last time we went out alone was before our big vacation last July! But this time we planned early in the week and we didn't let anything get in the way.

My sweetie came through the door at a very reasonable 6:00 and announced that our reservations for PF Chang's downtown were at 7:30. This was exciting news! Teach gave him a $50 gift card for Father's Day and we were finally going to get to use it.

I ran upstairs to change. My capris and t-shirt didn't quite seem appropriate for such a nice place. After dropping Crafty at a birthday party, and seeing Princess off with her guy, we climbed into the car. He even opened the door for me just like a real date!

The drive downtown didn't take too long and we managed to find a free parking space a short distance away. The place was crowded and we heard the hostess say it was an hour and a half wait. Our reservation got us a table in less than 10 minutes.

The food was good and the service was awesome, but the best part was the company of my sweetie and even in a hugely crowded room, we got a few minutes to be alone.

Oh yeah, Princess had a fantastic time on her date too.


  1. That is just a big all round AWWW. It is a known fact that rarity increases value. So happy you both had such a great time.

  2. How wonderful! My youngest (the last left at home) left for the weekend to spend time with her sister ... so my husband and I actually had a date TOO! Must just be in the stars for fun dates :)

  3. Hooray for you and for Princess! Sounds like a wonderful night for dates!

  4. How sweet. So glad you got to go out with your hubby for a nice dinner.

  5. Ahhh! I love Date Nights! So glad you had some alone time.

    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog!

  6. How fun. I love PF Changs - haven't eaten there is several years, though, as the closest one is 90 minutes away.
