
Oct 14, 2012

The Dog Walker's Corn Maze

By now you know that the Dog Walker is in charge of all outdoor holiday decorations at our house. This year he started putting stuff up mid-September. Usually my sweetie has a fit about stuff like that, but for some reason this year he let it slide. (Maybe it's because he's never home so he didn't notice!)

So the last Saturday in September the Dog Walker dragged out all the boxes and began his Halloween display. It took him all day! but by nightfall, we had it looking pretty much like this. I bought him the new spider lights and he used his own money to buy the icicle lights on the roof.

We barely had enough corn to make the maze this year and some of it is pretty short. He did manage to sacrifice one bundle to give Bossy for her new house. Her house looks good too! Hey, Bossy, put up a couple of your pictures too. We are just so festive around here...


  1. I'm jealous! I did nothing at all! That looks fantastic.

  2. does he hire out! The house looks fabulous !

  3. wow he does a great job!! can't wait to see what he does for Christmas :-D

    personally I don't get much into holiday decorating... guess it's different when you have kids.

    for Halloween, I usually abandon my home and head up the hill for an evening at the Bountiful Temple. guess you could say that I prefer to spend that night with "spirits of a different kind" ;-)

  4. That is so awesome. It looks fantastic!!!!

  5. Dog walker, I started early too this year. gret job, love it!

  6. How awesome it that, I love the decorations!
