
Oct 13, 2012

How's the Curfew Going?

So my curfew lasted all of one night! Teach took off with a friend and stayed overnight so there was nobody here to send me to bed at 12:30. Which is OK since I had a million things to do and not nearly enough time to do them.

One of those things was to plan my very first meeting of the new scout year. I spent a couple of hours last weekend planning the badges I wanted to work on, but I didn't get around to looking at specifics until last night. I hate it when I work in that mode because then I always seem to want to do something bigger than I have time to plan.

Fortunately, I was able to pull everything together just the way I wanted for today. We celebrated Juliette Gordon Low's birthday (which is really on October 31) and the 100th anniversary of the founding of Girl Scouts. Since it was a birthday party, we did a fun key chain craft (Teach and I managed to run to Hobby Lobby an hour before the girls were coming), then we decorated cupcakes (which I made this morning with frosting I made this afternoon), sang songs and played games. I had the Dog Walker snap a few pics for you so you could see all my cute little girls. We have 11 active girls in our troop this year and I think that is just the right size.

Things are crazy here! I'd love to hit that curfew tonight, but I'm afraid it is not going to happen again. I'm pretty sure I told you Crafty is in a play. Well, their performances begin on Wednesday. As part of her commitment (I mean "my" commitment) I have to put in 8 volunteer hours prior to the show and one evening babysitting the actors in the green room. Since I wanted to do something I was at least relatively good at, I offered to edit, format, and print the biographies for all 75 kids. They are due tomorrow and I just barely got a chance to start working on them today... after I got ready for girl scouts... and after I closed my Tupperware party and got my order entered... OK, so it was 10:00 PM. I'm afraid I'm not going to make my curfew tonight, unless she meant 12:30 PM instead of 12:30 AM.


  1. This is how I feel almost every day. There are too many thing that I have to, need to, should, or want to do in a day and I always feel like there's not enough hours! It's either part of growing up or being a parent. Probably both. Either way, there's never enough time.

  2. Never enough time seems to be the motto of mom's who do what they have to do for their families and their faith..Tooo bad Sunday is not two days instead of one, one day to rest after church and have their families actually fix the sunday meal, the next Sunday to get caught up on all that will be needed for the rest of the week, would work out pretty good and still be only one day Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! take care, keep your health up and rest, let your kids learn to cook a full meal while you could take a nap, just a suggestion, when I lived with my Grandmother we went to church early and she took a nice long nap at noon, we had the sunday supper done early and waked her up to sunday dinner in bed, she had a heart condition and needed to nap, I learned to cook really yummy meals that way and my brother did too..We were self sufficient because our Granmother insisted we be after losing our Momma early on in life! It has bode us well in life, our only child is so wonderful, but she won't marry until she meets one like her dad or grandfather!!!!!!!!
