
Aug 24, 2012

Safety Fair

Red-headed Scout
I swear you guys must think we play all the time! Yes, I have yet another fair to tell you about, only this one was a little different. Remember way back in the spring when Sport's slogan was chosen for the helmet safety contest? Well, this was one of the fairs where they were hoping he would be able to help the cause.

Just a little green...
Every year our city has a Health and Safety Fair as part of their end of summer bash. It's really cool! They bring in all the big fire trucks and the ambulances. We usually get a helicopter and the SWAT team. This year they even had a canine demonstration!

They also have a bunch of booths set up and tons of free stuff. And boy do my kids like stuff! So Sport was asked to help with the Bike Rodeo and the health department booth. We arrived right on time, but we couldn't seem to find our people or their booth, so we walked around a bit and then grabbed a free hot dog and chips. We found an empty spot on the lawn and had a picnic. About that time, our friend Amy found us.
If I were more talented I could turn this cell pic the right way!

Sport was pretty excited to get started, so we set up the spinning wheel and started giving stuff away. We had pencils and flashing reflectors and buttons. We even had a box of helmets for those spinning just the right space!

While Sport and I were running the booth, the other kids were gathering piles of freebies. The Dog Walker would take a couple of kids out for a while and then he would come back and trade for a couple more. Once he left with Scout and Baby Doll and they both came back with colored hair! His own hair was a lovely shade of blue. He promised me it would wash out easily. Seems like I've heard that story before...

After a couple of hours, we had given out all of the helmets and reflectors and it was time to clean up. While people were pulling down awnings and folding up tables, the city blew up their huge screen and set up a movie. 

Spin the wheel and win a prize!
We stayed for about half of the movie, but at 10:30 I convinced the kids we could Redbox it and we needed to get home. Sport has his first pre-season football game in the morning and we didn't want him to be too tired. We are so excited to watch him play! I'll give you a full report on that tomorrow.


  1. You have been having quite a fun summer. I think it is awesome that you participated in the fair. Keep on enjoying those precious family moments.

  2. Well it looks like you all had fun. Bet it's a very tiring day. It's really good to have those family time once in a while.
