
Aug 1, 2012

Home Again

We got home about 7:30. Bossy pulled up right behind us and convinced a bunch of her brothers and sisters to go help her move. That left me and Princess and Prima Donna to unload the van. I guess I should have taken a picture for you so you could get the scope of the unloading. Our entire living room carpet was covered with bags and pillows and dirty clothes and shoes. It's still not perfect, but it's a little better.

I always joke about needing a vacation from my vacation, but this time I mean it. It took me 20 minutes just to open all the mail! Two and a half weeks is a long time. I finally finished washing coolers and clothes and putting stuff away. Princess and Prima Donna are leaving for girls' camp in the morning, so they had to have some things.

Turns out my sweetie did take a picture...
I also had a bunch of bills to pay and miscellaneous paperwork that has to be dealt with. Thankfully, most of it can wait until tomorrow. I'm not sure I'm ready for real life yet...

But I'm definitely ready for my own bed.


  1. You must be like me I can't sleep knowing I have things to do and get done..whew busy busy and more busy, but you are home in your own bed and cozy, and you had a nice two and half week vacation..Many don't get that at all, most don't have jobs here, no food and pay their bills and feed their wives, husband and little ones and no food the next week..It is the first of the month and many are starving waiting for EBT cards for food so they can dash to stores and get some food, lucky ones, I get to serve and pack up in backpacks food for their many jobs they have (low wages) and can eat something full of protein to sustain them..How wonderful you and your hubby have the means to take a wonderful trip with your family have money for food and get back home with gas in your big van, that is a dream for most people in the county where I reside, I volunteer so much, cook real food, buy the real food, take it on a public bus and I only sip some tea and a sammie I take with me so i don't get ill, type 2 diabetes, I walk everywhere and try to get fresh veggies and fruits for the many who don't get it at happy you don't have to live like most do here, you are TRULY TRULY your blog, happy home coming!

  2. Oh how I can relate to this one. Coming home is wonderful and I love my own bed; but I hate the aftermath of getting back in the groove of things.
    Go slow and enjoy the moments!

  3. For some reason, I can't see any of the pictures in this post or the last one.
    So glad you are back and resting up while you remember a marvelous trip.

  4. Thanks for pointing that out, Patti. Hopefully they are fixed now.
