
Jul 31, 2012


Kansas is SOOO flat!
Well, we are almost home! After 2 1/2 weeks, tomorrow night I can finally sleep in my own bed again. This time has been magical and a chance for us to forget about the worries in our little world and just enjoy each other. Not that it has been completely worry-free, but I notice as I get closer to home, I have started worrying about things like school, football, dance... the list goes on and on.

Today was a travel day for us. The drive from Kansas City to Denver took nearly 10 hours and that didn't count the time we had to drive slower for the rainstorm or the stops we made for lunch and gas. We stopped in Hays, Kansas for lunch and we ate at the Long John Silvers. We had never eaten there, but had seen its commercials many times so we thought it would be fun. The food was good, but heavy. Why is it that all food on the road is fried?

We rolled into Denver just after 7:00. The kids made a beeline for the pool. It was fun but pretty cold, so after about half an hour Baby Doll and I got out and watched from a deck chair. We spent the rest of the evening in our rooms, ordering pizza and playing cards. Baby Doll was running a fever (not sure why) and she just wanted to be held. But she is sleeping peacefully now.

My sweetie took some fun pics of the kids in the pool, but the camera cord is still in the van and I'm the only one still up. I will try to remember to add them to tomorrow's post, but for now, you can see these cell pics we snapped at Long John Silvers.

Oh and one last piece of news...

Bossy and Gamer closed on their very first home today! We are so excited for them. They live in the same city as we do so their kids will attend the same high school and participate in the same sports. I can feel change in the air. Teach will be leaving for her mission soon, Dog Walker is starting college classes, Drama Queen is moving away and taking her first teaching job, Princess is starting high school, and all my elementary kids have been switched from A to D track. Even Curly is turning four in a couple of weeks and will be starting preschool! Soon it will be just me and Baby Doll at home during the day. I know life is all about change, I'm just not sure I'm ready for it...


  1. Congratulations on almost being home! I have loved reading of your trip! Talk about lots of changes! Congrats to Bossy on her house, how fabulous!

    Did Teach already get her mission call? My brain has been so dead since Chris got sick 2 months ago...

  2. Sounds like your trip was great. yes, we just went on vacation and while it was wonderful, I was also happy to return home. On the road we stopped at a Taco Bell on the way home and I had their new grilled chicken/rice/veggie bowl - totally not heavy and SUCH good flavors - try that next time you want a totally yummy but lighter fast food :-)

  3. What a great road trip. I saw your comment on Patty's blog about bifocals and I have the exact same complaint. You'd think somebody would come up with a fix... :)

  4. That last leg of your trip was a beast.
    What an amazing trip you had.
    In answer to your and troutbirder's dilemma, that solution is simple. Go to Walmart and buy a cheap set of reading glasses (about $8.00) in your bottom perscription. Then you have just one lens to look through, no line. I do the same thing for my computer.

  5. Good you will be home, congratulations to your daughter and her hubby on closing of their first home, nothing like having a home to come to and share God's love of faith and familia and some great home cooked food. Your trip sounded amazing many memories to share for your liftetimes. What wonderful parents you are and so dedicated to your faith and family..Life in my opinion doesn't get much better than that..Your new school listings, and life changes is what happens in each and every family, nothing one can do about change, but it is a heart tug to see your kids grow up and move on with their lives, you will certainly find things to do with baby doll and maybe get some time for yourself and your hubby!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. My #9 is almost 6 and will start kindergarten this fall. I may sign up #10 (3) for preschool. I think she will be lost without her big brother to torture during the day. I have too much money left in my dependant daycare account and need to use it or lose it by December 31st.
