
Aug 19, 2012

Girl Scout Picnic

Every year in August, we tally up all the awards for the Girl Scouts and have a family picnic. That's where they get a few minutes to shine in front of their families and friends. I have been doing this same thing for more than five years now. We change up the menu, like this year we served sloppy joes and potluck salads, and the girls change, but the format works pretty well.

I keep all my decorations easy now. In the past I've had some awesome co-leaders that make invitations, but now my favorite is just covering the tables with butcher paper and setting out crayons. That way the kids can make their own decorations.

After dinner I climb up on one of the tables and present the awards. Even though many of the girls have earned the same things, I always say each girl's name and their accomplishments, and I have them come up one at a time.

This year we were bridging all of our Juniors so Drama Queen and the girls made a paper "bridge" that we walked them in front of. Then we had them all run through it like the football team. Another thing we tried this year was a kickball game with the Girl Scouts against the rest of the families.

It was so fun!

I love being a Girl Scout leader. It gives me a chance to teach my own girls (remember I have four of them in my troop and Drama Queen and Teach are two of my co-leaders) the things I would probably just talk about and never get around to doing. It helps them set and achieve goals and it lets them make new friends.

Just love these girls!
We have had some awesome adventures this year. Tomorrow I'm going to share the best one with you...and it has nothing to do with cookies.

OK, maybe it has a little bit to do with cookies...

They are always so happy!


  1. And it was also fun that I brought cool music to the picnic, even though we had to keep it off for the rest of it. Sigh.

  2. I do love those girl scout cookies. I mainly served in the Cub Scout program; and love it. I had three boys and was their den leader for each one of them. Our girls weren't in Girl Scouts and that would have been fun to do.
    Loved your thoughts and will look forward to learning about one of the adventures.

  3. That looks like a labor of love for those girls.
    Just looking through your blog makes me think that I'm totally lazy.

  4. You're the kind of leader every troop should have. You clearly love it and love the things they're learning. This made me smile!
