
Aug 18, 2012

County Fair

I love the County Fair. Unlike the very expensive State Fair, the County Fair is relatively free (except for parking) and we always walk away with a bunch of freebies. I don't know about your county, but Salt Lake County has a Read n Ride program. Each kid between the ages of 5 and 14 can earn up to three free rides if they read three books. My kids always share their rides so that everyone gets a turn.

They also have a petting zoo. The kids loved it! Except for Baby Doll. She was terrified of the little animals. The Dog Walker brought her back out with the words, "I told you!" I know, I'm a great mom...

Our county fair even offers free craft projects on the hour for kids. The kids made caterpillers out of felt and pipe cleaners. And that doesn't even begin to count all the Tootsie Rolls, suckers, stickers, and pencils. Curly even won a shirt at the Mosquito Abatement group!

It doesn't get any better than that.

1 comment:

  1. You accidentally put two of the same picture of me petting the colt. You know that? I just needed to remind you about it.
