
Jul 14, 2012

My Awesome Princess

I was so proud of my awesome Princess today!

You all know that she has been working on her Girl Scout Gold Award and her project was teaching 6 dance classes to 2 different age levels. She has worked with over 50 kids for the last two weeks. She made up all the dances herself and the she taught each level two different dances. She also wrote a solo for herself made programs and fliers, and arranged to use the studio. That's a pretty hefty project!

 We reserved our church for the performance because it has a nice big stage with curtains and colored lights and everything. Princess was pretty terrified about being in charge, but she did a beautiful job and I was so proud of her! 
Hey! I know that guy!

Her recital had nine numbers in it including the four with the kids, and a duet done by Prima Donna and Crafty. Then there was a fun boys' number with Curly and Sport and four other boys. (They mostly fought with swords and then all fell over in the end. I was mostly afraid one of them was really going to die when the fight got too close to the edge of the stage!) Luckily it ended with all of them intact. Mostly because I was standing backstage whispering loudly, "Don't get too close to the edge!"

Princess's solo was a wonderful highlight, but the other thing the audience loved was the Dog Walker's solo. He performed a self-choreographed version of Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean." He really is a fine dancer. Most people aren't as uninhibited as he is.

And last but not least, three of my girl scouts including Crafty did a fun hip-hop number.
One of these things is not like the other...

All in all, the kids were so excited and so cute and the parents were so nice and appreciative. I couldn't have dreamed for a better result. And Princess is terribly relieved that it's over.

We also celebrated Cow Day at Chick Fil A today. The kids love dressing up like cows to get a free meal! My sweetie doesn't love it, but we do. Our total ticket was over $67 and it was all free.

Then we spent the rest of the evening packing the van and getting ready to leave at some ridiculous hour tomorrow morning. This trip is going to be so awesome! Senator Hatch's office called me again today and they have arranged the White House tour for us. He says that it's pretty unusual...

He also said,  "You don't have an audience with President Obama, but that doesn't mean it won't happen!"

We have a 14-hour drive tomorrow, so I'd better drag myself to bed. If I'm not too tired, I'll try to update you tomorrow from Lincoln, Nebraska.

(Sorry about all the recital pictures! It was just so hard to decide what to include.)


  1. My solo was much better than the way Michael Jackson did. I hOpe you thought it was much better.

  2. Wow, that looks like a fun time and a lot of work to put together.
    Have a wonderful trip. Do you have a video of Dog Walker's performance? I'd love to see it!

  3. OK, so I thought they were making a video. They had my camera, but no one took it out! I was running the curtains and the lights and helping back stage and I didn't know until it was over :(

  4. This is amazing! I would have loved to see this! Good job to Princess for putting such a great thing together!
