
Jul 15, 2012


We didn't get away as early as we had hoped, of course. Due in part to a missing shoe from the Drama Queen, but we did get out the door just before 7:00. Thankfully Baby Doll slept the entire morning away. She only woke for a few minutes at the Little America in Wyoming so she could eat her ice cream and then she went back to sleep until we got to Laramie.

We had planned to have lunch in Cheyenne, but since we were running about an hour late, the natives were restless...and they had to go to the bathroom. We found a nice Safeway, used the facilities, and grabbed a few groceries. Then we headed for a city park. After a nice picnic and a jog around the park, we climbed back in. The Drama Queen took some pictures for you, but I left the camera in the van so you will have to wait until tomorrow.

We piled back in the van and we were off again. We were soon out of Wyoming and started the long drive across Nebraska. We made one quick potty stop at some unknown truckstop, other than that, we drove all the way to Kearny. We pulled into a Little Caesar's and grabbed some Hot and Ready pizzas that we had to wait ten minutes for and we were back on the road.

We finally found our hotel in Lincoln at 11:40. It's been a long day.


  1. Had not thought about it but it must be an accomplishment getting all those bladders synchronized.
    Glad you are on the way, looking forward to pictures.

  2. I hate travelling with kids. Some of mine get car sick. I'm seriuosly thinking of leaving most of them home with hubby when I go to my brother's wedding in Madison WI this fall. Hubby really does not want to go. I could get away with taking my 5 passenger toyota if I only brought the flower girl (my 7 yr old) and 2 or 3 other kids/young adults...

  3. Safeways are great their bathrooms are clean, see you are going for the $5.00 pizza at Little Caesars on fridays at Safeway their deli pizza is only $5.00 here and they are huge with many toppings only on fridays only, hope your hotel was good, clean and not too much money involved sounds like you are watching your expenses carefully that is good, because the Wash. D.C. area is ridiculous for food, maybe McLean VA a day or so for food and back to Wash D.C. for your many places you want to visit?! Maybe your church will guide you to safe reasonable places to eat in the D.C. area? just a thought or to. have a great and safe trip with your family!!!!!!!!

  4. We love road trips! Course we only have 3 kids. :)

    Glad it's going well so far!
