
May 16, 2012

What's for Lunch?

My sweetie works for a large engineering company across the valley and it is too far away for him to come home for lunch, so he packs one every day.  With all these kids, we have several large (OK, there are three) chest freezers in our house. One is only for meat, one is almost exclusively TV dinners bought for lunches when they are on sale really cheap, and the other one is for everything else.

So this morning my sweetie sent Crafty to grab him something out of the freezer before he dropped the kids at school. Crafty grabbed a grocery bag, headed downstairs, and came back with the box tied up and ready to go. My sweetie slipped it into his pack and they ran out the door.

When he got to work, he took the package out of his bag and put it in his little fridge. It was still tied in the grocery sack. His usual mode is to let the dinner thaw during the morning hours and then it doesn't take nearly as long to cook for lunch.

Around 1:00 he sent me a text. "The kids packed my patties...12 pack."

Not exactly your typical TV dinner, unless you're a seal...


  1. Oh that is awesome. Well, I guess only awesome if your sweetie really has a thing for fish fillets! Maybe next time he'll pack his own lunch :)

  2. Three freezers! WOW, do you have 3 dishwashers or 2 dishwashers? your family size dictates a lot of food, good for you having that many freezers, got a good laugh out of the frozen fish for your hubby's lunch..if only youngins could imagine what they were pulling for lunches, good he packs his lunch..not many men do that, I gave up when I found out my hubby never ate the sandwiches, he worked at a grocery store and in the break room someone was always bring in food for everyone, he worked a smaller national chain store, since he was so thin, many of the other clerks thought he was starving, no no and more no, high metabolism and no excess weight whatsoever, he could eat a person under the ground as the saying goes, but he treats me like the queen I think I am so I never minded not making lunches, nor did he, cause he is the king is our home and always will be. ciao!!!!!

  3. Okay, now that's hilarious!!

  4. I think the cups say 107-35. They are 16 ounce? The g sipper seals fit them. Some of the ones I have are from the 1960's? They are pastel colored. I have others from the 80's maybe, real bold fuschia colored, and a 101 dalmation one that matched a straight sided cereal bowl.

  5. I gave up packing my lunch the night before, as my little kids tend to go through it before I leave for work the next morning. I grab leftovers on my way out the door to pack for lunch.
