
May 15, 2012

Cinco de Mayo Celebration

I know, I know, Cinco de Mayo was almost two weeks ago, but I've had so many things to tell you I haven't had a chance to share my fun pics with you (and Teach is getting mad at me because I asked her to take a bunch and then I never used them).

No, I'm not Hispanic, but my SIL is, effectively making my grandsons Hispanic too. Not that it matters, we started celebrating Cinco de Mayo long before Gamer was part of our family. It began as (what else?) a scout project and ballooned from there.

We always cook Mexican food (this year it was sweet pork like Cafe Rio) and we love to bash around a pinata for a while. Gamer is in charge of the pinata. We get it much cheaper if we send him to the Mexican store. This year he brought back some fun and different Mexican candy (usually the sweetness is overpowered by the peppers, but not this time). We got caramels, suckers, marzipan, and some kind of gooey stuff that Crafty absolutely loved.

The pinata got off to a rocky start. It was shaped like a bucket and extremely heavy even though it was only half full. We let the kids whack at it in age order starting with Baby Doll. She was pretty upset about swinging at those princesses...

Then Curly made a valiant effort...and so on, up the line. The Dog Walker didn't try very hard because he said he really didn't want to break it. All the kids started chanting for the Gym Rat. They just knew with his awesome rippling biceps that he would be able to crack it open!

And he did...

He also smashed the dickens out of the candy!

Half the suckers were in powder form, the other half had lost their sticks completely. Tootsie Rolls had been knocked right out of their wrappers! I don't think the kids will hope for the Gym Rat to pick up the bat again any time soon.


  1. That looks like so much fun!! That's hilarious that he knocked candy right out of the wrappers! Wowzers hehe. :)


  2. That was one powerful swing. Looks like all had a great time.

  3. LOL! He doesn't even know his own strength, but the kids and the candy do. ;)

  4. We've gotten the cardboard pinatas from the Party America kinds of places, and they are usually nearly impenetrable. I've had a couple that we gave the dads swings on because all the kids got tired of hitting it. So the real Mexican Pinatas sound better...

  5. That was one tough Pinata! Sounds like a great meal and lots of fun.

  6. The poor candy! Looks like everyone had lots of fun despite the smashed treats.

  7. Looks like such fun time! What a powerful swing-lol!

  8. Loved the pictures and the celebraton. Way fun and brought lots of smiles...........

  9. You kidding i couldnt believe my own eyes. i saw everyone that wanted to take a swing at it including some of the older girls and they didnt even put a decent dent in it. But oh no Gym Rat gets up and thurns just about everything in there into a powder (including the powder candy.) It was a fun and honestly a heart warming day for me.

  10. always a party at your place....looks like fun!!

  11. Hahaha, sounds like lots of fun though, even if the candy was smashed!! My son keeps asking if we can have a pinata, at first I couldn't work out what he was saying! Thanks for sharing on Happy Family Times :-)
