May 11, 2012

Playing in the Band

I've told you before that band is just something we do in our family. It's an inexpensive way for the kids to learn music and feel like they are part of something amazing.

Tonight was the band concert for Princess and Prima Donna. They both play in the Symphonic band in our school which is the highest level of band. I love that they can do this together!

Their teacher requires 20 minutes of practice every night and they sit down together and play hymns and primary music for me in harmony. It's awesome! They even get to sit together when they perform. Princess is in the pony tail and green shirt. Prima Donna is on her left.

Princess will be going to high school next year and Prima Donna is already feeling the loss. The two are best friends as well as sisters. Maybe that is why they play such beautiful music together...


Arkansas Patti said...

How neat that they can do something together and I hope their separation will be only for one year.

Marci said...

I don't know if I've ever told you, but I was in band for 8 years and loved it! My senior year I was even the band president. This post made me miss band, a lot! That is wonderful that they got to be in band together. At the schools I went to that wouldn't have happened because rather than the level you were in being based off skill it was simply just based on what year in school you were in, with very few exceptions ever. I would've loved band even more had I been in it with my best friend who was a year ahead of me.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

That really is spectacular! I hope my kids want to do that too, what a neat opportunity! I'm still miffed that I never learned the flute---hahaha!

Anonymous said...

Just the practices themselves must be awesome!

Emma Frances said...

I love having music in the home!! I hope to someday have a piano but for now singing and other instruments will suffice! :) I love that your kids all play music!