May 2, 2012

New Bike Helmets

Remember last week when I told you about my kids and the bike helmet slogan? They were on Fox news and it was all so exciting...

Anyway, today was the day for us to claim Sport's prize, a brand spanking new bike helmet for everyone in the family!

It was all supposed to be so easy. The Dog Walker was going to pick up Princess and Prima Donna from the middle school and I was going to check out Sport, Crafty, and Scout early from the elementary school. It was impossible to get all of us there at once, but we were going to do our best. Bossy, the Gym Rat, and Teach were all unavailable, so they only got 11 of us, but that's pretty good for a weekday.

My sweetie came straight from work and met us in the parking lot, then we all headed for the front door of the Salt Lake Valley Health Department, Community Health Services Division. An awesome girl named Kathryn was waiting for us and she walked us back to her desk. She was so cute with Sport, making a big deal of his amazing slogan.

We crowded into her tiny area and the kids were thrilled with the huge pile of helmets spread across the table. They had a purple one for Scout and a toddler one for Baby Doll. Curly was the most excited, his had a huge picture of Spiderman on it and if that weren't enough, it also came with a bell to put on his scooter!

They managed to fit each and every one of us (after they went out to the shed for a few more). They even gave us three for our missing family members. I'm thinking all in all this prize was worth about $300. Not bad for an amazing 8-year-old. Good work, Sport!


Katie said...

That is a very awesome prize!

One of the rules of living on base is that anybody on a bike/scooter/skateboard/whatever must wear a helmet. I think its a great rule except probably 75% of the kids I see wearing them don't bother buckling them. It drives me nuts!

Arkansas Patti said...

So glad all the kids beans are now protected. I'll bet they about croaked when they learned there were so many of you. Good to know they came through with smiles.

Silver Strands said...

Wow - that's WONDERFUL!

LeAnn said...

Wow, that was a wonderful prize. I loved the pictures and thoughts. It looked like a very fun family adventure.
Hugs to you all!

Anonymous said...

What a great prize! It can be so hard to find the right fit in a helmet. How cool that your family got helmets fitted for each member.

Anonymous said...

What a great prize! It can be so hard to find the right fit in a helmet. How cool that your family got helmets fitted for each member.

Jay Singh said...

Bike Helmet