
Apr 10, 2012

Our Mini Vacation part 2

After we got out of the pool, we headed upstairs. About an hour later we all met in our room jammied and ready for bed. The kids polished off the last of the pizza and we read our scriptures and had family prayer together. It had been a long day and even though the bed was hard as a rock and totally uncomfortable, I curled up with Baby Doll and fell asleep before 11:00.

We got up early Saturday and had breakfast, cleaned the rooms, and checked out before 10:00. I didn't know how long it would take to get to Manila through the mountainous roads, so we wanted to allow plenty of time. The Tupperware party wasn't until 1:00, but I couldn't chance being late. It was a good thing we left early, because we rolled into town just before noon.

It took us about 5 minutes to see pretty much everything. We headed back to what was obviously the center of town and bought gas so we could use the restrooms, then we drove to the park. It was right next to the elementary school and across the street from the high school. It was also about half a block from the Tupperware party location.

It was a little chilly, but we tugged on jackets, and unloaded our picnic lunch. While we were eating, we noticed a group congregating  near the elementary. There were only about 12 people, but it was making my sweetie a little nervous. Then Bossy noticed the neat rows of round white laundry baskets...I guess even in Manila you can order a Bountiful Basket!

We relaxed after that and the kids enjoyed the playground. I changed my clothes in the van and then my sweetie dropped me off at the party site. My cute host was as nice in person as she was on the phone and her party was awesome! It didn't cover my expenses, but it made a pretty good dent in them. She even gave me a Scentsy warmer and a scent to go with it (that's what she sells...) as a gift for coming all that way!

The party ended about 3:00 and we hit the road shortly afterward. Rather than go back the way we came, we headed into Wyoming. The drive was quicker and we got to see different scenery. We only stopped once at a Maverik for ice cream sandwiches and gas.

We got home just before 7:00 and in time to wave to the Drama Queen as she took off for work. She and Teach treated me to a clean house and 16 dozen boiled eggs ready for dye. They even cooked supper! We spent the rest of the evening coloring eggs and getting ready for Easter.Sunday.

All in all it was an awesome weekend, full of family, fun, and fossils...and a little bit of Tupperware...


  1. very very cool!!! I love that part of the country! I'm so glad you were able to get out and enjoy your time and do a little business as well!

  2. So glad the party went well and how sweet to come home to a clean house and the boiled eggs! Sounds like it was a good mini vacation.
