
Apr 11, 2012

One More Day

Visiting the Zoo
On Sunday night we were sitting around, playing cards and enjoying each others' company. The Gym Rat spent Easter with us and we never get to see enough of him. I started lamenting that our Spring Break was almost over. We only had Monday left when all the kids would be home and that's when my sweetie confessed that he had taken one more day off and we would all be together. So many great reasons to love this guy!

We kicked around a few ideas, including a visit to my MIL's house, but since she was busy, we finally decided to go to the zoo. Since we had a family pass, that was a cheap, fun activity for us. Some of the school districts had different days off for spring break, so we were assuming that it wouldn't be too crowded...boy were we wrong!

We had to park across the street in the overflow parking. It took us a few minutes in the ticket line and then again at the gate. People were everywhere. While I was in the ticket line, the older girls helped all the little ones with sunscreen. That was mostly a good thing except that Princess and Baby Doll both got some in their eyes. I hustled the two of them off to the restroom and we rinsed their eyes several times. It didn't help much.

We visited with the monkeys, the elephants and the rhinos. The tiger was outside sunning himself and so were the giraffes. All except for one. Did you know that a giraffe can be trained just like a dog? We happened to enter the building at just the right time to see a full-sized giraffe going through training exercises with a whistle and treats. It could step up on a board with either foot, back up and turn around. I'm not sure about rolling over and playing dead...we didn't stay that long...

The weather was perfect for animal watching and we enjoyed our day at the zoo. Then it was back to school and our regular crazy life. I'm so glad that every once in a while we can take a break and remember how much we love just spending time together. Here's to counting down the days until Memorial Day!
We weigh a TON!


  1. I love the zoo! I wish it'd stop raining here so I could take Lyla again!

  2. What a lovely way to spend a day without spending much moolah!

    It must make your heart sing to watch the older children helping the younger ones. Such a wonderful view, seeing our words and behaviors taking root in the next generation!

    Found you via Things I Can't Say.

  3. What a fun day, full of great adventure!

  4. How fun, I love the zoo! The one here is horrible....not many animals and they are in poor condition (I am still not positive if the lion was alive or not). I think yours is one I would much rather visit!

  5. Looks like a fun day! I haven't been at the zoo for so long, and have thought of going this summer.

    Terrific photos!

  6. Looks like a great outing, crowded or not! Love the collective weight :)

  7. What a fun day! We just went to the zoo the other day too:)

  8. You guys have so much fun! Thanks for sharing all the great pics. I hate when spring break is over for my kids too. I prefer to play with them.

    Your hubby is a sweet one. :)

  9. We love the Zoo as well and also have a family pass. We go all the time in the summer and then try to go once a month after that. Is the new part open yet?

  10. We love the Zoo as well and also have a family pass. We go all the time in the summer and then try to go once a month after that. Is the new part open yet?

  11. How wonderful to have another whole day together at the zoo. I haven't been to a zoo in years, I think I need to make a trip to one soon!

  12. Looks like you all had a great day! Love the photos!

  13. So nice to have a family day together!

  14. We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo... Looks like you ahd a great time! Came here by way of Happy Family Times. Here is my offering this week:

  15. We love a day at the zoo so much fun!!! Looks like everyone had a great time.

  16. Looks a great zoo. Great photos.

  17. What fun! Who doesn't love the zoo :-) And I didn't know they can train giraffes!

    Thanks for sharing on Happy Family Times!
