
Mar 13, 2012

Why I Started this Blog...

For the question of the day I'm pouring my heart out...why did I start my blog?

I was thinking about that when my two youngest were eating dinner. My sweetie came home early today and made an amazingly huge pot of his famous meaty chili. As we gathered around the table, somebody was missing. It was Curly! He had gone with me on a Tupperware delivery and he fell asleep on the way home.  I lifted him from his booster seat and he snuggled against my shoulder. He is getting so big too!

I laid him gently on the couch and then headed for the kitchen to help my sweetie. At that point the only help he needed was tasting and I was happy to assist. As I scooped out big bowls of yumminess, I was grateful it was Monday. Monday is Family Home Evening for us and that meant everyone planned time at home.

After dinner I read the kids a couple of chapters from our latest book and then we all headed to the living room for a lesson prepared by Prima Donna. We were about five minutes into the lesson when Curly's sleepy head raised up from the couch. He was hungry and Dad's chili was his favorite!

I slipped quietly into the kitchen and scooped him a generous bowl topped with shredded cheese. I grabbed a package of crackers and a towel and headed back into the living room with Curly following close behind. I looked around for somewhere suitable for him to sit.

I finally grabbed an empty Girl Scout cookie box, tipped it over, and made him his own little table complete with a kitchen towel tablecloth. He was so excited! It wasn't long before Baby Doll decided to join his little dinner party. Remember, all this was going on while the rest of the family was focused on Prima Donna's lesson.

That's when I pulled out my cell phone and snapped a quick picture. And that's why I started this blog. For all the little sweet moments life has to offer. For too many years they have slipped by into oblivion. Now with the blog I find more reasons to try to record them as they come.

After the kids mostly headed off for bed, I parked myself in the laundry room and folded the half dozen batches I had washed today. Baby Doll came by for a minute and decided to help. Her idea of help usually means climbing in the baskets. This time she picked the dirty ones. That's when I saw it...another sweet moment that needed to be captured and shared.

Yeah, that's why I started this's certainly more rewarding that doing laundry!


  1. Aww what great reasons to start a blog! That's why I started mine too. Such a great way to capture precious memories :) And it satisfies my appetite for writing for now ;) hehe.

  2. That is a wonderful reason.
    We certainly know it was not because you were bored with nothing to do.

  3. That is definitely a big reason I blog too. I love seeing the cute pics of your littles. Have you put the chilli recipe on the blog?

  4. I really enjoy reading all your precious moments on your blog. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Can't think of a better reason to start a blog. Sometimes I think it makes us more aware of those precious moments and we quickly snap a picture to share. Often times its those pictures that uplift, cause one to laugh or cry or simply think about how blessed we are. Thanks for sharing. Nola

  6. Great reasons to start a blog!

    I started mine as a way to vent the stressful moments in my life when I couldn't do it out in the open.

    I still use it for that but I also use it to capture those small moments too.

  7. Definitely better than laundry and perfect for the sweet little moments that could slip by without anyone even noticing

  8. What better way than a blog to capture all those small, important moments?

  9. Being able to keep track of it all is a great reason to blog!

  10. I can't think of a better reason to start a blog! :)

  11. What a great reason to blog! One day you can share all the awesome stories with your kids.
