
Mar 11, 2012

The Awesome Sleeping Beauty Production

Princess as Carbosse (or Maleficent if you are a Disney fan)
This was the weekend we had been looking forward to for the last three months... South Pointe Ballet's Production of Sleeping Beauty. Auditions were in November, the cast was chosen in December, and weekend rehearsals started shortly afterward.

If you remember from last year, they put on Swan Lake and Sport pretty much stole the show with his antics. He was NOT invited to participate this year...

So their opening night was Friday and we attended that show with the Girl Scout troop and all the kids. We spent the majority of the time chasing kids around. It's amazing how difficult it is for 11-year-old girls to stay in their seats!

Prima Donna on the left as an angry minion
Baby Doll was so excited to see the kids on stage she would just randomly squeal! When Princess came on stage, Baby Doll yelled out her name loudly enough that Princess actually heard her. Thankfully, it was a family-friendly show and nobody got too angry with us.
Crafty on the left as a Garland Dancer

So when Saturday rolled around, my sweetie and I left the little kids with Teach and we headed off to see the show by ourselves. And we brought his new camera with the awesome lens. So enjoy these fun pics! Wish you could have all been there in person. This proud mama loves watching her kids dance!

Dog Walker (in blue) as a young prince wooing Aurora.

Crafty's second role as a cat (left)
Princess handing Aurora the spindle.

Oooo, I've seen that look before...and she wasn't dressed in black!

More Dog Walker...he's a pro!

Prima Donna (second from left) as a Vine Dancer

The Dog Walker in the Hunting Party - flanked by cute girls.



  1. Looks like a wonderful production. What talented kids you have

  2. How fun to have so many kids in the same production! Looks like they all did great!

  3. WOW!!! looks like an amazing performance by all! The costumes are fabulous!

  4. Wow, that looks great!!! Talented kids!

  5. Oh my, you had to be so proud. Just their having the confidence to preform says a lot about you.
    Cracked up at the "look" you had seen before.

  6. Looks like it turned out to be a wonderful show and the kids had a good time. Great pictures! The costumes are just beautiful!

  7. The costuming was fabulous, and the sets were too. What a fun play and I know you were beaming as their mom!

  8. How lovely are the pictures and thoughts. Very proud parents I am sure. I can relate. My youngest daughter was Annie when she was 11 years old. We were living in Spokane, Wa. at the time and it was a play put on in our Stake. There were more than a 1000 people attend over a three day period. We went to it more than once of course and delighted in every moment she was on stage singing. It is so wonderful for your children to have moments like this.
    Blessings and hugs!

  9. Great!! I wish our studio did Sleeping Beauty. Isn't it so fun to watch multiple children in a show? I bet your dance fees are about as high as ours LOL

  10. How awesome! So fun that so many of your kids are in it.

  11. Looks fantastic!!!! Your kids are awesome!
