
Mar 18, 2012

More Fun

Filling up the Sand Pit
Do you remember back in January when I said we made a day trip to the Natural History Museum? I actually said I might take the entire family back and PAY FOR IT?! I know, huh? Crazy...doesn't sound like me at all! Well, something awesome happened to us this week. After lots of hard work and effort, my sweetie got a raise! We decided to celebrate by taking the entire family (except the Gym Rat and Gamer who both had to work) to the Museum of Natural History.

I know this will make you giggle, but we can actually get in on a GROUP rate where 15 can go cheaper than 11. I was surprised how busy it was for a good-weather Saturday. I thought most people would be out working in their yards, but I guess they all needed a break too.
Baby Doll walking on the Glass Floor - She was so confused!

We got there about 1:30. Since we had the big van, my sweetie had to park clear down the street, but he nicely dropped the rest of us off first, so we paid for the tickets and waited for him to join us. We had only walked about 100 feet when two of our party just HAD to use the restroom. Since one was Bossy's, she agreed to take both. By the time she rejoined us, I heard rumors that Baby Doll was in need of a change. I had hoped those unpleasant odors were just the smelling stations in the prehistoric area. Thank goodness I sent my sweetie back in the house for the diaper bag!

Sweetie and Scout
Unfortunately, I forgot to grab it when we jumped out of the van, so it was down the street in overflow parking. My sweetie offered to go after it, but this was his first time in the museum and I had already been seen it, so the Drama Queen and I hoofed it down the hill. As we were walking, we noticed several empty parking spots in the upper lot. So instead of hiking back up to the museum, we jumped in the van and started circling. The first spot I tried was too small. I carefully backed out and decided to try again. The second one was only marginally larger, but after easing the van back and forth three or four times, we finally decided we were actually between the white lines.

We only missed one whole floor of fun or at least the Drama Queen did. I still had the diaper to contend with. I scooped Baby Doll out of the stroller and we headed for the restroom. We finally rejoined the group on the fourth floor, just in time to play with the puppets.

  All in all, it was a great time, and way more fun than cleaning the flower beds!


  1. You thought you could put a picture of me acting like a Dinosaur Duck onto the blog.

  2. It has been a very long time since I have had to contend with a diaper. :) My youngest is 7. I do remember I was a messy messy business though. Especially in public. Bless you for all the work you do! :)

  3. Sounds like quite an adventure!! Thanks for linking up to the Afterschool Blog Hop!

  4. Sounds fun, chaos and all! Were they all in green shirts?

  5. What a fun day, even though it was a bit crazy! All of our area attractions were pretty busy this weekend too. I thought more people would be enjoying the weather, but a lot were indoors.

  6. This sounds so awesome, minus the diaper!
    Poor Baby Doll. I would be confused walking on that floor too. I always see pictures from the Sears Tower and it makes me want to cry. I can't help but imagine the glass shattering.
    My cousin worked somewhere down in Scottsdale, AZ once where the floor was mirrors. A lot of people (Read: women in dresses/skirts) complained and the city came in and made them change it.

  7. I'm chuckling that you reparked the van, but I guess hoofing it would turn that into a priority. What a fun day!

  8. Congrats big time on the raise. It always feel great to be appreciated.
    Yes, I did laugh at your group rate. Makes sense.

  9. No easy task getting so many people together, but I'm sure happy to hear you all had a great time. Lots of memories and laughs I'm sure. Yes, much more fun than working in the yard:-)
    Thanks so much for stopping by to enter my giveaway.

  10. Thanks for asking about the shirts, MaryAnne. I like to dress the kids the same when we go somewhere like this and we have several matching shirts as you've seen. The problem was that it was St. Patrick's Day, so everybody else had on green too! Although I'm pretty sure all the kids in the pit were mine and Bossy's...

  11. SOund like funfun, not counting the diaper!

  12. I no longer have a diaper bag. I usually have spare outfits, diaper and wipes in the van and my car. On those rare occasions hubby takes #10 (almost 3) somewhere without me, I have to remind him to ask her to go potty before they leave and put her in a pull ups just in case. She is starting to use the potty more often, but still does not tell us she needs to go until she needs to go now!
