
Mar 20, 2012

Banner Girl

I think I've told you before that we have a bunch of band geeks in our family. I spent my younger years blowing a clarinet in our junior high school band, but I quit playing in high school after only one quarter because our band teacher just couldn't control the group and it really bothered me. I wanted to learn and be part of something amazing, not watch the drummers harass our poor frustrated teacher.

One of my favorite parts of our junior high school band had always been the marching part. Our teacher was awesome! He taught us to "boogie" and we loved it. We competed against bands that were much older than us and we took home top honors. So when Marching Band season rolled around, I was sad that I wouldn't be part of the band. This was the case for three years.

Fortunately, it helps to know somebody.

I'm not exactly sure how or why the arrangement was made, but the band teacher needed someone who was willing to carry the banner in the parades and on the field. It was 1982 and my senior year.  I was excited to be one of the "chosen ones." I even got to wear that awesome pair of white gloves. And you think these outfits are cute? You should have seen the ones we wore for the show...they were harem pants split all the way up the side and worn over a leotard. Sadly, I don't seem to have any pictures of those... my legs were much cuter then than they are now.


  1. Love the old picture! I was a faithful band member when I was in highschool...I played the flute hehe. Loved the experience and we had an awesome band teacher who luckily could control our group ;)

  2. Carrying the Banner off of Newsies

  3. Band is such a good outlet. I tried to take up band in 4th grade (flute) but the teacher turned out to have a temper, and I was terrified. So that pretty much ended any interest in band for me.

  4. Marching season was the best part of the year! And I loved the bands who had a little funk in their show!

  5. I loved the picture and it is so fun to look back on some of those precious life events. Thanks for a couple of memories today.
    This was a fun post!

  6. So cute! I was a big band person too- played the clarinet!

  7. I was never in the band, but my grandson is going into middle school next year and I hope he will.
