
Feb 25, 2012

A Little Whiny, part 2

At the risk of sounding whiny again, I wanted to give you the conclusion to my horrible awful no good very bad week...OK, it wasn't that bad...I'm still moving, aren't I?! I dragged myself out of bed at 7:00 this morning, jumped into a quick shower and braved the howling winds so I could stand in this very cold warehouse for an hour and wait for my cookies. They had 75,000 to pack, so my 268 cases didn't seem like very much.

Until we got them home, that is! This is what my living room looked like. I quickly got on the phone and within 10 minutes the Girl Scouts started coming by to get their orders. After the wind finally stopped, it turned out to be a very nice day for delivering cookies.

I sent the Drama Queen out at 11:00 with the kids so I could have a little peace and quiet to finish getting my paperwork together for my tax appointment tonight. It would have worked well if the doorbell hadn't kept ringing. One of those rings happened to be my sister and my niece. Here's a look at her pretty dress I finished at 1:45 AM last night. Doesn't she look great? Sorry for the cell pic, my sis just texted it to me after Araineia was all ready to go.

I stacked and packed and loaded cookies, while the Drama Queen managed to get a bunch of them delivered to our neighbors.

At 12:45 the kids all came back so they could get ready for rehearsal for Sleeping Beauty. After rehearsal, this mean mama sent them out again until dark. Then I headed off for my tax appointment and left them to eat frozen pizza and watch a movie.

All in all, it turned out to be a pretty good week! Other than the laundry and dishes piling up, the important things managed to get done, like the dress, the cookies, and the taxes. (I almost called and cancelled that appointment a dozen times.)  I'm even getting a refund!

And a nap...


  1. A delightful blog. Thank you for visiting mine. Blessings.

  2. Gosh, I think moms are saints who get involved in the scouts.robably because I'd have no patience or talent for it! My boys don't do it because no one will volunteer to be a leaderv( guiltily, including me) but they have enough other activities on their plates so can't feel too bad.:))

  3. Gee, when I see the little girl at my door wanting to bust my diet, I had no idea what went into getting her there.
    Your stamina amazes me.

  4. Now that is a lot of cookies! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  5. Kind of makes me wish that I got a few more Tagalongs and Thin Mints! You inspire me so much. I would love to follow your blogs from this point on. I only have 4 with 1 on the way and sadly this will have to be it for me. Thank you for your earlier compliment. God bless.

  6. I would've struggled having all those cases of thin mints and samoas in my house, and most likely would have found myself buying a new freezer and keeping them all :)

    The dress looks great, and hooray for tax returns.

    And really, a whiny post here and there just shows you're human, you did read my last post, which was definitely a whiny one. Thanks for the sweet comment too. My ward is just super clicky, if your husband isn't in dental or med school you just don't quite belong.

  7. A fun read as usual. I do think you need more naps. You do so much for so many; blessings to you!

  8. Holy smokes, that's a lot of girl scouts cookies! You should put a bug in somebody's ear and convince them to make gluten free Samoa's next year. I will buy your whole warehouse!!

    Get some rest now!

  9. I don't know how you do it all! I can barely handle my life and it is a lot less busy:) I have to say I have 2 dozen girl scout cookies in my house. We have so many kids selling them and I always need to buy!

  10. Hi there, I can so relate to the girl scout cookies. My daughter is now 14 but when she was 7 I signed up to be the cookie mom. After the intro meeting I called and quit - I almost had a breakdown!! Anyway, I can remember standing outside of supermarkets in the freezing cold trying to sell cookies! I found you on social Sundays and signed up to follow - feel free to follow me back - Lisa

  11. That's a lot of Girl Scout cookies!! I love them so much, but there's no way I'd want to be responsible for sorting out all those boxes lol!

  12. With 12 kids I sure HOPE you get a refund. :) have a busy busy life.

  13. I am trying to find your FB to like for Social Sunday but I seem to be missing it :( I've followed with GFC though.

    My son is autistic too, you might like my latest post 'An Autistic Boy and his Dog' The story of my son and his Newfoundland dog :)

  14. hello mom of 12! I did the girl scout cookie thing girls are now all grown up! I am glad to meet another blogger with a lot of kids!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
