
Feb 27, 2012

LIttle Bits of This and That

This is one of the things I love about our church...

Less than 10 minutes ago, this entire gym was filled with chairs and people sitting in them. It's amazing what we can do when we all work together. And nobody was asked, but right after the closing prayer, racks were pulled out and literally a hundred people were suddenly clearing the room.

My girls helped gather paper and trash and the boys helped with the chairs.

On a totally unrelated note...This is the awesome poster hanging on the door of our dance studio. See that scary looking dancer in black? That's Princess! Crazy, huh?! My sweet little girl looking so evil!

I had a sports meeting tonight at the church and after we were finished and I was putting away chairs, a lady came up to me. "I think I know you," she said. "Do your girls dance?" After we established the fact that our girls were dancing together, she admitted that she had just taken the pictures for the Sleeping Beauty ballet! How random is that? I guess we live in a small town after all.

The cookie pile is getting smaller and smaller and is no longer threatening to overtake all the seating in my livingroom. Thanks for all of your concern and offers to take them off my hands. As much as I love cookies and count on the money to plan fun activities for my troop, by the time cookies are done, I'm totally tired of looking at them.

I'm going to be completely tied up with preparations for the Blue and Gold Banquet for the Cub Scouts on Tuesday. If you don't hear from me you will know it's because I am chasing to every Hobby Lobby in town looking for gold tablecloths. Wish me luck!


  1. Sleeping Beauty is one of my favorite ballets! I was so disappointed because the Russian Ballet recentely (finally) came to Oklahoma and performed it. I can't wait to see many pictures of The Princess performing!!!

  2. Hello! Princess does look pretty awesome in that shot. The performance will be great.

  3. The poster/flyer turned out awesome! Your daughter looks great! We are just now getting into live dance performances since my goddaughter has joined dance. I never knew how much fun they could be!

  4. You daughter look GREAT and scary! I'd be afraid she'd cast a spell on me!!

    I'm excited for your Blue and Gold Banquet I used to love those!!

  5. I do think it is amazing how quickly the chairs can be put away at church. I so remember the cub scout and scouting days. I did cubs for all three boys and served on the cub scout committee and ran around just like you getting ready for the banquet. Have fun and enjoy the moments!
