Feb 19, 2012

Birth Story - Sport

 Drum roll please...

Here we have it! Finally, the last birth story and it belongs to Sport. The year was 2003. Bossy was just finishing up her Associates degree at Snow College. The other kids were scattered throughout the various schools in our district. The Dog Walker was 9 years old and after three sisters, he was just dying for a baby brother. He was so convinced he was right that I even took him with me to the ultrasound. I figured he might believe the doctor more than me. Thankfully, it didn't have to be a big deal. All pictures properly indicated "boy," although the Dog Walker thought he looked more like a monkey.

I was SOOO uncomfortable with this pregnancy! It was the first time I had experienced sciatica and that along with the bursitis in my hip made it almost impossible to sleep. I tried everything to get comfortable. The thing that worked best was building a little "house" of pillows with two behind my head and on on each side. Then I would slip one between my knees. That almost worked...
Dog Walker and Sport
As with the previous three sisters, the doctor scheduled an induction about a week early. It was June and the weather had been unseasonably hot. It was surprising to wake up to cool and rainy., but we reported at the hospital just before 7:30 a.m. as instructed. Unfortunately, when we got there, they had no room for us, so we sat in the waiting room for about an hour.

After that we got started and the nurses were pleased to find that I was already dilated to 3 cm. Sometimes I've been asked why in the world I am at the hospital...come back next week, so that was good news. The anesthesiologist arrived just in time to keep me from feeling even one real labor pain.

In fact, things were going so well they actually had to turn the Pitocin DOWN to keep me from delivering before I had finished the required doses of antibiotics. When the final drops pumped their way in from the second bag, they upped the Pitocin again and my little Sport came really fast. Thankfully, this was NOT one of the times the nurses refused to get the doctor there on time. He halted things for only a moment as he unwrapped the cord from Sport's neck (that was a little scary!) and one push later was all it took. I didn't even have to push a second time since he slipped out all by himself.

The nurses all ooo'd and aah'd over his beautiful blond hair. It was quite long for such a little guy. We spent the next couple of weeks listening to people gush about how beautiful Sport was. He'd probably be a little embarrassed to know about that now.

We had our typical jaundice scare and he had to visit the doctor every day for the first three days. Fortunately, he didn't have to go under the lights. We were so glad to finally have him home!


Marci said...

He was a beautiful baby!

Marci said...
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Melanie said...

Oh my goodness. He IS A GORGEOUS baby boy! Truly Truly.

Wow...as with all your stories, very fun to read. :)

Sara Lucinda Bell said...

Aw those baby pictures!!
My brother was actually born with the cord wrapped around his neck as well, but in his case it kept air from coming in or getting out for too long and he ended up collapsing a lunch. Poor little guy was in the hospital for three weeks before my parents ever got to take him home. Glad your luck was better!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

He is precious. Love the hair and like the others have said "He is a beautiful baby" absolutely gorgeous.

Natalie Ockey said...

I love reading the birth stories. Thanks for sharing them with us.

yeewittlethings said...

I've loved reading all these stories! Seriously, you have a beautiful family and I'm sure every birth experience was WELL worth the outcome ;)

Crystal Pistol said...

I love new born baby pics! He is a gorgeous little boy now. What a blessing for your family. :)

Arkansas Patti said...

Don't think I have ever seen a baby with such beautifu hair. I would have ooo'd and aah'd also.
What a cutie.