
Jan 14, 2012

Wonder Mom

Fort Douglas Museum...the fam and our guide, Patrick
When we first started going to church with this neighborhood, one of the ladies called me Wonder Mom. It kind of irritated me because I certainly didn't see myself as anything special. I was just a mom like everybody else trying to figure out how best to raise my kids. So when I typed the title for this post, I giggled a little. I still don't see myself as special, but I think I am a little crazy.

One of my favorite things to do is run away with the kids and do something we haven't done before. That's why on Thursday we made our trip to a THIRD museum! This one was at Fort Douglas and yes, it was for another scout patch. We drove up to the University of Utah campus and then into Fort Douglas. It was a slow day and we were able to park right in front of the museum.

This was nothing like the Museum we went to on Monday. There weren't any interactive exhibits and Curly kept asking when we were going to go to the museum. We took Grandpa because he is a veteran and he enjoyed showing us the badge for his group. The museum itself was pretty awesome! It housed all kinds of old uniforms and memorabilia from the various wars. Each display had signs telling about the battles or the soldiers. They had tons of old guns and models of ships. We had a guide with us the entire time to answer questions and point out the things that would interest the kids the most.

After we toured the inside, we went out to the gardens and wandered past all the tanks and big guns. They even had some helicopters out there! That's about the time Curly finally got excited about the museum.

As we wandered back inside, I asked our guide to pose with the kids for a picture. He was happy to do it and I told him I wanted to post it on my blog. He was all for it! And he wanted me to invite all of my bloggy friends to stop by the I am. It's another freebie (worthy of a scout patch) and a great place to wander for an afternoon.

The kids go back to school on Tuesday, so I guess that will end our adventures during the day.  I'll have to come up with another way to be crazy...any ideas? Especially FREE ideas?


  1. I pretty much have you in that catagory also for I often wonder how you do it all so well.

  2. You are a WONDER mom!! But I never doubted that for a minute!! Love trips to museums and by the looks of it, so does your family!!

    Good job!

  3. Try this They have great ideas there! : )

