
Jan 14, 2012

Thin Mints, Anyone? or do you want Free TUPPERWARE?!

I dragged the girls out of bed just before 9:00 this morning and even though it was cold and blowing, we hit the streets to try to drum up some cookie sales. Our neighbors were kind and generous as always and almost every house with someone home ordered cookies. Three basketball games and four more hours of cookie sales later and we are at a grand total of 340 boxes! Yay, Girl Scouts!

We didn't do as well at our basketball game. I think I told you I'm coaching Crafty's Jr Jazz team and while I'm generally a fairly adequate coach, today I felt totally trounced. It wasn't that the scoreboard was the worst I've ever seen (we lost 24 - 8), it's just that the other team was SOO physical and my girls were getting hurt and I couldn't do anything about it. The officials for these games are just kids themselves and most of them won't call a foul or blow the whistle even if there is blood dripping on the floor! These girls are 11 and 12. They don't need to be pushed to the floor over what is supposed to be a rec game! (pant...pant...rave...rave)

Ok, I'm done being negative.

On a brighter note! Today is the last day to leave a comment on the New Year's Giveaway. I'm excited to let one of you try that amazing My Memories software. I'm sure you will love it! My kids are all excited about scrapbooking now...if we could just finish up these cookie sales.

And I want to remind you that my blog is turning 1 year old next week. When I asked for suggestions on how to celebrate, you asked for another giveaway...specifically Tupperware! So that's what I'm going to do! Starting right this minute, you can leave a comment on this post to win this fun set of "I Love You" canisters with a retail value of $47 dollars because without all of you, I would probably have given up on this blog at least 100 times by now. (To see a better picture, you can go to my website here.)

I will also accept entries via e-mail if you can't comment. We will choose the random winner on my Blog's Birthday, January 19, 2012. If you would like to tweet or promote this giveaway on your blog, I will give you extra entries. Just let me know.

Thanks for being there for me!


  1. I didn't know that you can give your blog a birthday. Worth it.

  2. I need to find myself some delicious Girl Scout cookies! And this giveaway is exciting!! :) Those tins are so cute!! I hope I win!! Also, happy almost one year blogiversary!!

  3. I can't believe your blog will be one year old. Congratulations on writing every day-that is quite a feat.

  4. Happy Birthday, Blog!

    I saw a sign up at someone's house advertising cookies earlier. Totally thinking of stopping by there on my way home one day.

  5. Why is tupperware so expensive?! It's one of those things you hate to buy but need.

  6. Oh I love thin mints ^_^ well happy birthday to your blog! Mine is still a baby! I am s u p e r excited to be your newest follower!
    Biggest love,
    Victoria from Unlock Your World

  7. After a previous post (I think from you) about Girl Scout Cookies I was so excited when one of my Activity Day girls showed up with a cookie order form. You better believe I was excited to order my Thin Mints and Samoas!

    Also, 1 year! Congrats (later this week that is)! I'm so happy that you didn't give up on your blog, I love it!

    Another also, I love those canisters! They are too stinkin cute!

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY / ANNIVERSARY! I've been following you for a while and want to thank you for sharing your life and wisom with all of us. Thank you! Hmmm...Cookies and Tupperware..what more could a girl want?

  9. Happy Birthday Blog! Those are super cute canisters.

  10. I LOVE girl scout cookies. Especially the thin mints. I love to keep them in the freezer. They are perfect frozen and don't melt in your hand too soon. Yum!

  11. I too enjoy Thin Mints. I got so excited when Dreyers made ice cream out of them but decided I like them better as the cookie. I have been stalking your blog now almost since the beginning. What an accomplishment to post every day! Happy Blogging Birthday! Seems like you should be getting a gift instead of giving one away.

  12. Happy Birthday Blog! I have been reading your posts from close to the beginning. Your family always has something going on-- your post also satisfy my own curiosity ( and maybe at one time, desire) of what life is like with a LARGE family. Thanks for sharing this year of your life with me.

  13. I didn't know your blog is a year old. Happy Birthday! I still can't believe your busy days and all you do. You are awesome.

  14. Happy blog birthday!!

    I hope there was cake :)

  15. Happy Birthday BLOG! YEAY! I always enjoy your reads. Thanks for this one too.
