
Dec 7, 2011

Some Like it Hot

We have lots of Christmas traditions in our family. For about the last 20 years, we have taken a trip to Spanish Fork to see the Festival of Lights. It’s about a 45-minute drive each way, but we love it because it is a drive-though at a park, so the little ones don’t get cold, and even with our big van completely full, it only costs the family five bucks!

The other part of the tradition is relatively new, but it means stopping by the local Krispie Kremes factory store and watching them make doughnuts. I always bring the amazing grades my kids earned from school and they give us free doughnuts. This year we ended up with three dozen free and two dozen that I bought for the rest of us.

We brought hot chocolate in Sport’s football thermos and a bag of marshmallows. My favorite part of the trip this year was when we were discussing the temperature of the van. My sweetie likes to complain that I want it to be like a furnace. So as he cranked up the heat, he started singing, “Some like it HOT!” This prompted a chorus from the backseat…different versions of the “HOT” song. Then a small voice from a little curly-headed boy in the second row started singing his own tune… “Some like it warm…some like it warm…” Love that kid!

The boys loved the train!

The girls' favorite!


  1. If you make it clear to Spanish Fork, you should drive on through to Salem - several houses there put on quite the display, and they float trees on their pond/lake!

  2. What a fun place! My boys would love that.

  3. We have the same type of thing here, and we go every year. We love it!

  4. We have something like that here but it's like 20$ to get in! I really want to go to the zoo lights thing up here but it's even more expensive.

  5. We love those lights, too! We are getting excited to go this year!

  6. I am very impressionable, and will likely have that song running through my head for the next couple of hours. Thanks a lot. *wink*

    Glad you enjoyed some great family time!

  7. looks awesome.. we have that too here in south florida but it's upwards of $10-20 per person to go through in your car... it's a rip!

  8. Oh my gosh that's amazing!! Those lights are spectacular what a fun family tradition!! We do the tour of lights on Christmas Eve but that's just around town. Nothing to that caliber.

  9. I love good activities that create awesome memories!

  10. What a fun tradition! And I love that you added Krispy Kremes to it! MMMM!
