
Dec 28, 2011

Catching Up

I spent my day trying to catch up. The holidays had me behind almost everywhere…from laundry to paperwork to housework and I’m sure to several more “works” that I’m not remembering right now. I don’t even DARE show you what my laundry pile looks like this time.

We did manage to get the tree out and most of the decorations put away. The kids complained, of course, like they do every year. If I left it up to them, the tree would be in year-round. It’s not that I don’t love Christmas; we’ve been talking about that nearly every day this month, it’s just that my mom always left her tree in for the entire month of January.  It was often still there for Valentine’s Day. That was a little embarrassing when my friends stopped by to deliver their valentines. I just like to move on when it’s over.

Sometimes I feel like I’m caught in that movie, Groundhog Day. My sweetie and I were talking about it this morning. This January will be very much like the last 15 Januarys before it. We will ring in the New Year. The elementary school kids are off-track so we will get to sleep in a little more. The older kids will complain that the little ones got to sleep in more.

Mid-month means Girl Scout cookie sales and they will dominate until the end of January. I will have a birthday and so will my blog. I guess that’s actually a first. How do you go about celebrating the first birthday for your blog? For most of my kids’ first birthdays we have had a big party with the extended family. So you are all my extended blog family, what should we do? The Drama Queen is suggesting a giveaway…what do you think? I have until January 19th to decide, so send me all your best ideas so we can pick one…or two…or twelve…


  1. Love the photo of the three little ones sleeping!

    Good luck catching up!!!

  2. A Tupperware giveaway! Haha.. Such cute pics.

  3. I have seen people do giveaways or a recap post with favorite entries- though since it was the end of the year you just did that with us....I just had my 3-year and forgot to even mention it- woops

  4. A simple give a way is fun...good luck with that. Cute little ones asleep here! ;D

  5. How about Twelve Days of Tupperware?
