
Dec 29, 2011

Birth Story: Prima Donna

 It was late June 1998, and I was immensely pregnant with our seventh child. The days were long and hot and I was more than ready to be delivered. Since my two “big” babies, the doctor had decided that inducing about ten days early was perfect for me. The baby was due about the fourth of July, but our ultrasound had not revealed for certain the gender since the babe was sitting with legs tightly crossed. So we scheduled the induction for June 27.

As usual, I could barely sleep the night before. The doctor had promised us that the nursing staff would call between 5:00 and 6:00 AM and tell us what time to be at the hospital, but we had better be ready to leave immediately if that is what they wanted. When the call finally came through, they told us to sit tight, that they were busier than expected and to wait for another call. We went back to bed and tried to sleep again, but it was nearly impossible.

Prima Donna!
The second call came in just after noon and they told us to come down. Finally! We gathered our things and headed to the hospital. It was so nice to have kids old enough to mostly take care of things at home. It took us about 30 minutes to make the drive downtown, but by the time we got there, beds had filled up again and they turned us away at the front desk. I was so disappointed that I was in tears. The frazzled nurse kindly suggested that we go somewhere and get a good lunch and then come back. My sweetie steered me toward the elevator and we headed back to the street. It’s a good thing he had it all together, because I was falling apart.

Normally we would be pinching pennies, especially with the pending birth and associated expenses, but I think my sweetie knew that this day needed to be special. He took me to a restaurant called Windows on the Square (I think, it doesn’t exist anymore and I didn’t write the name in the baby book). It was high above Temple Square and the view was amazing! So was the food, but it should have been for the price. We took our time and talked and lingered until the appointed hour and then we headed back to the hospital.

Prima Donna and Princess
It was nearing 5:00 when we again approached the front desk. This time they were ready for us! We checked in and got the induction started. I felt my first pains around 7:00 PM. As the evening dragged on, I wasn’t progressing much and they kept turning the Pitocin higher and higher. My sweetie sacked out on the sofa and I was having trouble keeping my own eyes open. The nurse kept coming in and making me turn this way and that, trying to get the baby and me into more active labor.

About 4:30 AM, we decided my sleeping wasn’t helping the baby any, so I sat up on the bed as best I could and tried to stay alert. That’s all it took. Within about 15 minutes the baby had crowned and was on her way out. She was born just after 5:00 AM. We got to keep her with us extra long because the nurses were changing shifts. She was so beautiful with long straight black hair and dark blue eyes. Right from the beginning she was playful and happy. She was and is a bright spot of sunshine on a warm summer morning. And I was so grateful to finally get a chance to sleep!


  1. Love the birth stories! But how frustrating to have to wait

  2. I do love reading labor and birthing stories. It is such a joy when they are finally here.
    Blessings to you as the New Year rolls in.
