
Oct 11, 2011

Miniature Golf and Giveaway

You all know I grew up in small-town Utah. We didn’t have many choices for activities. There was one movie theater with one screen. During the summer they played movies every night of the week, but when school was on it was pretty much weekends only. We had a bowling alley, but my parents said we couldn’t hang out there on account of the pool tables. Don’t ask, I didn’t get it either…So when one of the downtown shops was suddenly turned into a miniature golf course, we were more than excited!

Picture Credit
I had never golfed before and I knew nothing about the game, but I was definitely drawn to this new activity. It didn’t hurt that the guys liked to hang around either. It was 1979 and I was in the 8th grade. My birthday was in January so right after Christmas I started hounding my mom to let me have my birthday party at the miniature golf place. The price tag was hefty! Forty dollars to rent the place for the evening, but I told her I would pay half and my 14th birthday was definitely a big one. I hadn’t mentioned it to anyone yet, but this was the first year I wanted to invite boys.

I wrote and rewrote guest lists that included the cutest, most popular boys in town. They would never even consider coming to my birthday party unless it was something really cool. After a couple of weeks I finally wore my mom down and we reserved the building. I hand-delivered about 30 invitations, some to my best friends, but most to kids who considered themselves way out of my league.

The night finally arrived. I was so excited! Mom made a cake and we headed to the party site. The party started at 7:00 and by 7:15 all my best girlfriends were there and one poor guy, the boy who lived across the street. (I heard that his mom forced him to come…). I was so disappointed. Once more my dreams of being part of the popular group were trampled.

But yours don’t have to be…I hear that one of the hottest new coupon groups is coming to town TODAY! The folks at Eversave have asked me to help with their launch party and in return they are going to let me give away a couple of free passes for miniature golf to my luckiest reader. All you have to do to enter is comment on this post. They would love it if you “like” them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter. (Extra entries if you let me know.) I’ve looked around on their site a little and it looks like they offer some great deals. Not sure if we can get passes that are good outside the state of Utah for this giveaway, but they do have regional sites all over the US. Check them out and let me know what you think.


  1. My early teen years, and then again in my twenties were filled with mini-golf! never had a party there, but we did it like every weekend. I just recently went over the summer and had a GREAT time - I may have to blog about it! :-)

  2. I would love it.... I love when 49th street had mini golf.... wish they had never taken that away

  3. Hee Hee! My first date and first kiss (separate occasions) both included mini golf!

  4. Oh the traumas of teen life. Mini golf can mean good things too....I got engaged on the 5th hole of a local golf course. I would love to relive my "youth".

  5. I can relate to your story. I had some moments just like this. I lived in a small town too and the movie theater was about the only place in town. My parents owned a cafe for a while called Chesty's Shack; probably one of the first drive up windows. Anyway, when TV's came into town that ended their business for a while.
    The giveaways sound fun!

  6. I LOVE mini golf. Very fond memories of this growing up and at family reunions.

  7. I mostly skated on the weekends. Never thought to ask for a party though. I bet it would have had a similar out come though. I loved going. I got blisters every time. haha.
