
Oct 10, 2011

The Corn Maze

The Dog Walker is our resident “decorations” man. He loves holidays and Halloween is one of his favorites. A few years ago my sweetie turned all the holiday decorating over to him. You all know that the Dog Walker is an amazing guy! I don’t know how much you know about autistics, but when they focus on something, nothing else gets done until that particular task is finished. And he can drive us absolutely nuts during the process!

My sweetie is adamant that we can not decorate for Halloween until October 1. So this weekend (once all the rain was over), the Dog Walker dragged out all the Halloween boxes and got busy. The kids were out of school on Friday because of Parent/teacher conferences so he got started bright and early. My sweetie is also off on Fridays so we headed out to run some errands. We reminded the Dog Walker that he could use the corn stalks that had been cut and dried already, but that some of them were still growing in the garden.

After a fun trip to Kohl’s, we returned to the house. The first thing we noticed was the 20 or so fence posts stuck in the front lawn. This didn’t surprise us because we knew that the Dog Walker’s favorite set up was his own corn maze. What did surprise us was the fact that tied around half the posts were green corn stalks! I walked up to one and pulled off a mostly developed ear of corn. My sweetie became a bit unglued when he realized that most of our corn patch was now tied to posts in the front yard.

We headed through the house and into the backyard and caught him with another armful of green stalks. “You weren’t supposed to cut down the good corn!” I accused. He dropped his bundle to the ground, clearly stressed by my tone of voice. “But Mom,” he responded, “I harvested the corn first.” Sure enough about 3 dozen tiny ears of corn were neatly piled in a bowl on my kitchen counter. My sweetie picked a couple more from the front yard and added them to the pile.

Other than his Marching Band competition Saturday and church on Sunday, the Dog Walker didn’t do anything else but work on his display. As you can see, it was fabulous as usual. Just wait till you see what he does for Christmas!


  1. How fun! Halloween is my favorite holiday to decorate for too!

  2. Don't keep on being mad at me about the green stalks. Honestly, I harvested the corn before I got those around.

  3. WOW! If I knew I lived close to you, I'd be very tempted to ask if he hires out! I love, love, LOVE homes decorated with lots of light... I just don't have the motivation to do it myself. So I settle for driving around and admiring everyone else's beautiful homes/yards. =)

  4. So impressive! My family never decorates for anything but we sure do enjoy everyone else's decorations and the Dog Walker may just be one of the best decorators I have ever seen! :]

  5. Man I want to trick or treat at your house!

  6. I really want him to come help me. My complex is doing a contest this year and we could win a prize!


  7. WOW that looks great!!

  8. This looks like so much fun! I love it!

  9. Hi there, many thanks for stopping by our blog earlier! We're delighted to meet you!

    Love the blog and we really love those Halloween decorations! Totally "wicked awesome" as Murray here said when he saw them! We don't usually decorate until the last end of October but now that we have seen your house - I think we'll be getting out the decorations today!

    take care
    Clive & Co

  10. We let the kids decorate, but it is not nearly as good a job as the Dog-Walker does.
