
Oct 31, 2011

Ghost Story

Our Home Teachers came over tonight to give us our favorite lesson of the year. Every October, we get to hear about the naughty little ghosts who ate the wrong foods because they didn’t obey their mommy and they turned different colors. I should have gotten a copy of the story from them, but since I didn’t, you can find a slightly different version here. (I like this blog, btw. Take a minute and look around a bit.)

You all know my mom passed away five years ago, but every time I hear this story, I still think about her. I have to wonder when I didn’t listen to her and things went horribly or maybe just a little wrong. I’m pretty sure she was right about sewing too fast (most of the time). And driving too fast (especially when you get caught!). Wanting to grow up too fast, and staying up too late…no wait, I got that bad habit from her.

One thing I did appreciate was her willingness to just drop everything and spend time with us. I’m starting to wish I would have learned that lesson a little better. I watch the kids growing up and changing right before my eyes from babes to adults. That’s one great thing about blogging, I get to record some of that. Then maybe my kids can gain a little insight from my accumulated wisdom…obviously Baby Doll needs some; she doesn’t listen to her mama very well either.


  1. My mom told this story every year, too! And now I tell it to my boys--they love it. The ghosts are taped on the wall right now so they can retell it anytime they want.

  2. I love that Halloween story. And your mother sounds very wise. I like her "drop everything" advice. Also, I love that last picture. I think Baby Doll and Daxton would be best partners in crime.

  3. I have never heard that Halloween story! I'll have to head over and read it! :) And that picture of Baby Doll is adorable!!

  4. Your baby doll is a real live doll. Your children are so sweet and talented, it is because of you..I think your blog is great and your kids will get a kick out of it when they are grown..sorry about your Mom, 5 years is too soon and you are so young with a lovely family, know you are missing her a lot and your sweet and beloved Grandma too..she seemed like an angel on this earth, don't fret you have a wonderful family, husband and children and your faith, food, heat, electric or gas, people who adore you and your health you have a lot more than many in our suffering USA!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. When you have cute chubby legs and an adorable smile you can get away with ANYTHING!!

    You had a GREAT mom!!

  6. She is super cute, even if she is being super cute on a ladder!

    Have a great Halloween.

  7. Everytime I hear that you have the same home teachers after so many years I am envious. She looks like she likes to get into the same type of trouble as my youngest.
