
May 19, 2011

Food for Thought: Broccoli Salad

We live in a charmed neighborhood. Most of us moved in here about the same time, 17 or 18 years ago. Then we all had little kids (not just me) and our Primary group was huge! We were able to arrange a boys’ Jr. Jazz team just from our neighborhood. (That’s ten boys of the same age if you are counting…) My sweetie was the Cubmaster, and he was in charge of a couple dozen cub scouts and their monthly activities. I had a bunch of the girls in my girl scout troop.

It was so fun, but amazingly hard to sell cookies since we all lived so close together. That’s when the neighborhood traditions started…Christmas parties, a barbecue, for a while there was an ice cream party every weekend. At one point we even produced a neighborhood cookbook. I love this book because whenever I want a recipe from a party or potluck, if I just look, usually it’s in there. And often it comes in five or six variations! I’ve also discovered some real gems in there that have become part of our family favorites.

I had never had broccoli salad before I moved here and my brothers and sisters thought it was pretty weird when I set it on the table at our extended family gathering. Then they tried it and it got rave reviews. We made a big batch of it for Bossy’s graduation party (even though she hates raisins!) and I’m pretty sure it was the first one gone. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.

Broccoli Salad

3 lbs broccoli, finely chopped
1 small red onion (it really needs to be red, white/yellow have a different flavor) (chopped)
1 1/2 cup raisins
1 lb of bacon, cooked and chopped
1 cup shelled sunflower seeds

2 cups mayonnaise or Miracle Whip
½ cup sugar
2 tbsp regular white vinegar

In a large bowl, combine broccoli, red onion, raisins, and bacon.

In a small bowl, combine mayo, sugar, and vinegar.

Just before serving, toss dressing with salad, then sprinkle with sunflower seeds.


  1. I have a very similar recipe. I skip the raisins (yuck) and add in some cauliflower for color and 1 cup of grated fresh parmesan cheese. We love it too! And I had the same first reaction when I saw it, but after trying it, it's a fave in our home :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. I make almost this exact recipe, but mine has green onions instead of a red onion and it is always a HUGE HUGE hit, the first thing gone fore sure. Oh and no raisins either.

  3. That actually looks fantastic! Any salad that leave the cheese off, I'm usually a fan of.

  4. I use this exact recipe with the exception of pepper jack cheese...its my all time favorite food!

  5. This is one of my favorite salads, and yes, the onion must be red.

  6. That sounds good... I have to make dinner for someone tonight and if they're interested I just might be making this now! =]

  7. I read a couple of your recent post, great read. Hope your swimming ear infection be gone soon.

    I have been in the same neighbourhood for over 20 years, we always have such great neighbours.

    The brocolli looks fantastic, especially with the bacon. I would substitute half of the mayo for low-fat yoghurt.

    Have a great day.
