
Jan 23, 2011

Secret Goal

I have this secret goal for all of my kids. It was one of those that sort of evolved after the first few kids. Our Gym Rat was only 15 when he earned his Eagle Scout. Even though they lost his paperwork for a year and he had long outgrown his scout uniform so I had to buy a new one, I was so proud to watch him receive that Eagle Scout pin and speak at his own Court of Honor. 

Bossy became a Girl Scout at age 9. They didn’t have Girl Scouts in my hometown, so I was not at all familiar with the program. I learned quickly that if you wanted to put your kid in a troop, you had to be a troop leader. So being a kind, ever-loving, long-enduring masochistic martyr, I signed on as the leader. Thus began my love/hate relationship with scouts. Mostly I love it, but on Friday mornings when I’m madly cleaning the house and preparing my lesson for 10 restless little girls I sometimes wonder why I volunteered for such misery. Anyway, I stuck with the Girl Scout thing, not always as the Troop Leader, but always involved with cookie sales or as an assistant leader. 

So Bossy moved through the program, earning every possible pin and award (because that’s her personality!). I wasn’t surprised when after Silver she moved on to her Gold Award. A Gold Award is the equivalent of the Eagle Scout for girls. That’s when I decided it would be cool for all of my kids to receive the highest awards available in scouting. Of course I didn’t have nearly this many kids when I thought that…we’ll see if I poop out before they get that old. As of now our oldest five children have managed to make my goal. I’ll keep you posted on the rest…Princess and Prima Donna have both earned their Silver Award so they are well on their way. Only 10,000 boxes of cookies, 1,000 hours of service, and 100 merit badges to go.  Makes me tired just thinking about it.


  1. is that including curly and sport but just to get their eagle awards right

  2. Well, the girls have to get their badges too, but they are technically just called "badges" not "merit badges."
