
Jan 22, 2011


I’ve done it already. Less than a week into this new blog and I’ve managed to offend someone. It’s not that I didn’t think this day would come, I just didn’t expect it so quickly. Big Daddy (who doesn’t particularly love his name, by the way) said that we had to be oh so careful because this stuff stays on the web forever. Sharing secrets and personalities could make people hate us. But the big surprise came when the e-mail arrived from my oldest daughter. 

She thought maybe I was portraying her strengths in a negative light and I just wanted to set the record straight. She is an amazing person! She gets things done. That’s why we call her Bossy. But most of us love being bossed around most of the time because it produces the results we want. I take her shopping with me because I know she will find the best possible deal even if it drives me crazy! 

When I need to send someone to the grocery store with my pile of coupons, she is my first choice because she watches and makes sure everything comes up right and I never get ripped on when she is holding the receipt. She sets goals and makes them happen. 

She’s one of my exercise buddies because she won’t let me quit. Nobody defends me on the basketball court like she does! She organizes our little army into a mean cleaning machine; attacking the garage, the yard, the basement, you name it. We let her be in charge because she is good at it. So Bossy is a very appropriate, well-earned title and one that she should be proud of!


  1. whats with the grumpy and sunshine people?

  2. They were a cartoon in the 80s something that I related too and added to the post. The summarize my feelings at the beginning and ending of this post. Since I have the freedom to add any pictures, links, and tags to the posts I added them in.

  3. I like them :) I wish I had your bossy skills so I say own them

  4. I don't mind it when being bossy means I get things done. But it sucks when people think you are too bossy and don't want to be around. I just like to delegate and get things done.
