
Sep 17, 2024

Traveling as Two - Richmond

We checked out of our Harper's Ferry hotel early since we had tickets to be at Monticello by 11:15. It was a 2 1/2 hour drive without stops and we got there with 5 minutes to spare. After we passed through the metal detectors, it was time to get on the shuttle.

This was our first glimpse of Thomas Jefferson's beloved Monticello.

It wasn't as big as we were thinking it might be. Here you go, up close.

The entryway was really staircase!

I loved the library and all the old books. Here was Jefferson's bed...pretty short for a guy who was 6'2", but our guide told us Jefferson always slept sitting up!

Look at his closet!!

We toured the kitchens and the underground tunnel. We stopped at the cafe and bought a root beer. A quick dash through the gift shop and then it was time to go. We still had lots of miles before we could sleep.

Next stop, Richmond and this fleeting glimpse of the state capitol.

And this really cool building from capitol square that I don't know what is.

We left Richmond for our last hour on the road. Our destination was Williamsburg and after checking into our condo, we went looking for somewhere to eat.

The Plaza Azteca was so good and even a bit different. They made fresh guacamole at the table.

And our food was delivered by robot!

More fun tomorrow.


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