
Sep 19, 2024

Traveling as Two - Jamestown

"And the rain rain rain came down down down..." 

It doesn't rain like that in Utah.

We headed for Historic Jamestown. We probably should have, but didn't bring an umbrella on this trip. Fortunately, it was only sprinking and it was a warm soft rain.

We watched a movie and looked at the exhibits and then my sweetie insisted we stop by the gift shop and buy an umbrella before we headed outside to see the archeological evidence from Jamestown.

Unfortunately, it was really only big enough for one and though my sweetie tried, I insisted he be that one. I like the rain... for a while. We ducked into this cool old church.

At least it was dry. By the time we got to this statue, I was starting to worry about slipping and falling into the bay. 

We took advantage of the next roof at a tiny cafe where we grabbed lunch. By then, the rain was pounding on the roof and it was no longer warm and light, and I was drenched!!

My sweetie suggested we walk the 50 yards or so to the museum and try to buy another umbrella. It was that or brave the trail back to the main building.

I was only in the small museum for about 5 minutes when I cut through to the gift shop. I bought an umbrella and a dry hoodie. I pulled off my wet hoodie first, but five minutes later, I was in the bathroom, pulling off my soaked t-shirt too. After I told my sweetie, we went back to the gift shop one more time to buy him a matching hoodie.

This was on our trail back.

We left Historic Jamestown and made the quick drive to Jamestown Settlement. 

We were starting to get tired of the galleries, so we didn't really give this museum a fair chance. The outside area was still being pounded in rain, so I kept my phone put away, but the living history stuff was pretty awesome.

We ended our visit in the ginormous gift shop. My sweetie found this really fun game.

After we got back to the condo, we played the game for an hour, constantly changing the rules. Then we cooked dinner and watched a movie. On the move tomorrow.

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