
Sep 14, 2024

Jess's Wedding

Remember when we did the bridal shower a couple of weeks ago for my niece, Jess? Not only did Scout get her wisdom teeth pulled, but we had the wedding in the morning and the reception in the evening. (They yanked Scout's teeth out at 2:00!) Scout and I drove over to the care center about 9:30 to pick up Grandpa, but he was still in bed. We finally got to Provo just before 11:00, but things didn't really get rolling until about 11:45.

After the ceremony, we left Grandpa with my oldest sis and headed for home. We only had a few minutes to change and pick all the green beans before we left for the dentist.

We were finished with teeth and stopping by Jamba for an Orange Dream Machine (no seeds) and getting prescriptions by 4:00. Then I had Baby Doll and Curly pick all the red tomatoes.

My sweetie and I worked like mad to make the beginnings of 8 scant gallons of tomato soup before we changed and drove down to the reception about 6:30. So much to do! But the soup would be ready for blending as soon as we got home.

We stole some fun pics from the wedding...

We dropped Grandpa off just before 9:00, made dinner and finished the soup. Dog Walker helped me bag it up while I pressured 5 pints of green beans. I finally dropped into bed not long after Curly got home at midnight. It was a long day and we are traveling on Saturday! More later...

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