
Jul 3, 2024

Traveling Together - Fort Yates to Aberdeen

We checked out of two rooms and kept our 3rd one for one more night. Of course, we only planned to stay until about 5:00, but Sport was worried about us just hanging around Fort Yates. Remember, he was bit by a dog there and I guess they just wander around. My sweetie worked and the kids just hung out. Sport and Taco went to Cannonball to meet with some friends.

When they got back, we finally checked out and it was time for us to see Fort Yates. We started at the church.

And then we made our way to Standing Rock Monument.

Then Sport had an appointment to visit with his good friend, Pete. We spend a bit of time hanging out there.

Then he tried another friend.

We finally decided to leave town. It was still a bit of a drive. We crossed the Missouri on this cool bridge.

We had an a plan to meet Trent at the Twist Cone at 9:00pm in Aberdeen, but we couldn't possibly miss Sport's friends in Eureka. That stop was by far the most spiritual and I'm so glad my sweetie and I went with him.

Back on the road, we got to Aberdeen with about 5 minutes to spare.

We ate footlongs and ice cream with Trent before finding our hotel, checking in, and falling into bed.

More fun tomorrow!

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