
May 6, 2024

Guest Blog: A White Cinco De Mayo by the Dog Walker

Today was quite an odd yet fun Cinco De Mayo this year. The odd thing was that we were expecting a little rain, but after a little bit, it started snowing in May! Weather in Utah not only has a fluctuating routine, it also seems to have a slight delay on the appropriate weather in a season. We were about to do a piñata, but with it snowing outside, it was out of the question until next week.

We got dinner ready and some of the family came over for the Mexican dish that we haven't had in a long time; chimichangas. Princess and the Frog were assigned to bring a dessert, and Princess made 3 dozen cookies to share, but they were so yummy that they went fast! But I had a backup plan with ice cream to share with the family. 

We talked and visited a lot as well as helping the younger kids to some building kits that Bossy brought over. Carnitas has been quite a cutie when it came to hanging out with him and the other kids. It's been quite a fun Cinco De Mayo, but we might celebrate a little bit of it more on Mother's day with the piñata. 

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