
Mar 14, 2024

Guest Blogger: Happy Pi Day! by the Dog Walker

 Mom asked me to write a post for her, probably because she's either busy with other things or she's temporally having writer's block. Well, today was Pi Day. We didn't do much of it as a family today. Kids were at school probably having Pi Day of their own. Mom was out doing errands, like making the last deliveries of Girl Scout Cookies. Dad asked me to find some big pieces of meat out of the freezers to get ready for the March Birthday Party for the family. I would usually request Pi Day off work, but I didn't do it this year, because I'm looking forward to a fun family event that Mom invited me to attend. So, we pretty much did an everyday routine, like me coming home on my lunch break. The family had pizza and a piece of apple pie. During my last break, I coincidently watched an episode called Pie Hard from a Disney Channel show called Sydney to the Max. It's quite a fun show if you're interested. Happy Pi Day!

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