
Feb 17, 2024

Traving as Two - Long Beach

I've missed you!! Dog Walker helped out a bit, but my sweetie and I have been on a cruise ship for the last few days.

We left after church on Sunday and climbed onto a much smaller plane that took us to the tiny Long Beach airport. No, seriously, we walked down a gangplank to an airport that only had 2 baggage claims and was mostly outside! I think they are doing some remodeling...

We grabbed our bags and a shuttle that took us to our hotel.

We would have to take an Uber to the ship, but it was much cheaper than leaving a rental car at Carnival parking all week.

We watched the second half of the Super Bowl in our room. Our little party was not nearly as exciting as the one back home.

We were so excited to see the Chiefs pull off another victory! Then we went downstairs and had dinner in the little Bistro.

The Uber was picking us up at 10:45, but we are old now, so we spent to rest of the evening reading in bed. Besides the cruise, my sweetie gave me a new Kindle for my birthday. I wanted to enjoy it too. 

Exciting stuff to come!

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