
Feb 19, 2024

Traveling as Two - Catalina Island

Our first port was Catalina Island. Princess and The Frog joined us for breakfast in the dining room so we could eat and make plans for the day. I ordered a parfait with a side of bacon.

Does this look like a side of bacon to you??

After breakfast, we headed to the water shuttle. So many of my girls had been to Catalina Island with the Girl Scouts that I was excited to see it up close.

So we rented a golf cart! They had a scenic route for us to follow that would take about an hour. We rode the first loop and got some beautiful pics. The sky was so blue!

Our ship looks pretty small out there. So we finished the first loop and started the second, but our little golf cart that could on the first Catalina mountain, could not. We turned around and nursed it back to the rental shop. They gave us a newer cart and restarted our hour!! More beautiful pics...

After we finished driving around, we visited some of the little shops and climbed back on the shuttle. There were lots of things to do on the ship! We got ready for dinner. 

Princess brought a different fancy dress for each evening on the ship. I had one skirt...

Dinner was so much fun! Some of the servers danced on the tables.

Then we went to the 80's show in the Liquid Lounge. Since it was still early, we sat in a bar and listened to a latin band. We even danced a little.

We had so much fun! Mexico tomorrow...

Goodbye, Catalina!

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