
Dec 28, 2023

Traveling Together - Stone Mountain

My sweetie and I have talked about a family vacation instead of  big Christmas for years now, and with Sport and Crafty home from their missions, it seemed like a perfect time. When the 8-occupancy condo came up in Georgia, we jumped on it.

We used miles and bogo passes to get 8 tickets for Georgia and we were ready to go. Almost.

The flight left at 6:30AM, so that meant we had to be at the airport at 4:30. Thankfully, Bossy was willing to give us a ride. A few hours later, we were in Atlanta. We couldn't check into the condo until tomorrow, so we arranged a hotel stay at Stone Mountain. They had a Christmas festival going on and my sweetie was really excited about the train and the tram.

The tram took us to the top of the mountain. The kids were excited to explore for a little bit.

Then we rode the train, ate chicken fingers and fries, and watched a pared down version of The Polar Express in the 4D Theater.

Finally, we watched a light show using drones and lasers and huge pics projected on the mountain. 

Back at the hotel about 9:30 and the kids were exhausted. Everyone is asleep but me.

More adventures tomorrow!

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