
Dec 3, 2023

Guest Blogger: Ward Party by The Dog Walker

 Mom asked me to guest blog, probably because she thinks my phone has better camera quality and to show you these pictures of the ward Christmas party we attended. Well, I was still working today and I had to wait for the right time to go to the party. It made me a bit anxious that I never even knew about it until the last minute when I went to work. I didn't want to miss the entire party like I did last year. So, I was able to go on my lunch break. I went to the party and found the family listening to the story of a reindeer from the ward. I don't quite know how it goes, but all the kids and the adults kept saying "Mooo" like the sound of a cow. Here's some pictures of all of us at the party. Queso didn't really like the earmuffs that I wore for the party, but at least he tried them on. Baby Doll seemed to have the passion of using those festive cones as birthday hats on people. What do you think?

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