
Dec 23, 2023

Guest Blog: Jr Police Officer by Skittles

 If you ask Skittles what he wants to be when he grows up, 60% of the time he will tell you a police officer. 

Here's his story.

Today we had to drop off Burrito for camp at the hotspring.  I wanted to camp too but they said I was too little.  He needed dinner and some money so Mom stopped at Walmart to get some cash.  When she came out of Walmart, she was getting in the car and saw someone had dropped their credit card.  She picked it up and asked if we should take it inside to find the owner.  I knew what to do, we needed a police officer. 

After we dropped off Bro for camp we drove to the public safety building. She gave me the card to carry because Queso was asleep.  Mom carried Queso and Carnitas until Queso woke up.  We went to the window of the police station I told the lady and gave her the credit card.  She gave Mom a form to fill out a police report.  I signed my name by Mom's on the police report.  

The police station has a motorcycle in the building on the second floor in the windows! We played on a doughnut couch until a police officer came to take our report. He had a badge and a gun and a notebook. I gave the officer our paper.  He asked a few questions, where we found it and how to spell our names. Then, Queso and I both got Jr Police Officer badges to wear. 

We had to hurry because we were late to meet Aunt Scout.  We went with Mom and Scout to the chiropractor so he could stretch her back.  I was a good babysitter and set up the train track for Queso and Carnitas.  

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