
Nov 15, 2023

Traveling as Two - Snorkling in Turtle Bay

Before I left Utah, I was really excited to try snorkling. I'm a pretty decent swimmer and I'm not afraid of water. Then the crazy stuff happened a few days ago and that snorkling was a bust...

We had our snorkling class scheduled for about noon on Monday. My sweetie had already said he would come, but he didn’t want to get in the water. It was windy and choppy and I was wishing I wasn't getting in the water either, or on the boat for that matter.

Like a good girl, I took my Dramamine right on schedule since I hate being motion sick. It didn't help...

But let me back up a bit.

I got in the water after falling off the ladder on the 2nd rung. That was only the beginning and it started with a big mouthful of salty sea water. They gave us tiny life jackets made for snorking, but the choppiness of the water convinced me to ask for what they called a banana.

I put it under my chest and I finally got my bearings. The one thing I hadn’t anticipated was the choppy water pulling us away from the boat.

I was forced to continuously kick my feet so I wasn't swept away.

I saw a couple of sea turtles and a bunch of black and white striped fish that were about 8 inches long.

But all that kicking was exhausting for this old lady and pretty soon I dragged myself back up the ladder and onto the deck.

That's when I realized that the choppy water was making my stomach do somersaults.

Let's jump to the end...

I did NOT vomit! But I didn’t want to do anything else either. So we went back to our hotel room.

My sweetie made me a nice dinner...

He also took some fantastic pics from our little deck.

Happy Monday!

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