
Oct 8, 2023

Guest Blog: A Trip to the Pumpkin Patch by Princess

On Friday, Duchess had her very last day of early intervention therapy. (She will start going to speech preschool instead.) Well, to celebrate, her therapist invited us to go to the pumpkin patch with her. Tadpole was at school and the Frog was at work so it was just me and the two youngest. 

First, we went on a tractor ride around the pumpkins and corn. The kids seemed to have fun while we were on it, but they definitely did not want to go again. 

Then, we headed for the corn pit. I think I should install one of these in our backyard because, holy moly, we had a lot of fun! Honestly, they had to drag me out of the thing. I was sunburned by the end. 

Then, we headed over to the slide, which also had a corn pit as a soft landing. I got hurt last time the kids convinced me to go down the slide, (I have the video on instagram. It’s kinda hilarious.) so, I was happy to sit this one out. The littles had a blast though. 

We quickly walked past the petting zoo animals and then found some tube slides to go down. Unfortunately, we had to pass the corn pit one more time before we could exit. I bribed the children (and myself) with a baby pumpkin from the gift shop rather than another hour in the corn pit. 

When we arrived home, Duchess removed her shoe and this was the result. I even found a piece of corn hidden between her butt cheeks. I should put them in our yard. In a few more visits, we might have enough for our own corn pit. 

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